

Shoot dates...Oct.17th and 18th

Came up on a...
-Light kit
-Fog Machine(2)
Panasonic HVX
Canon HD
-Corpse Paint

Hope all you dude from the blog can help!!!

I need two Surfers prob Dan and Jon

and about 5-10 extras to play zombies

I drew up the storyboard and My friend Sayer has got some great drawings for the Zombie makeup and saw ZOMBIELAND last night for some inspiration...

lets do this!


Worm said...

I don't know if you've ever seen the italian film zombie but i've always wanted to play a topless zombie with a scuba tank. if you have any of those roles available i can send a resume and headshot

murdercity said...

hahaah sounds great!

176millioninches said...

bear face will be your zombies and play a set on the beach