SUP + Skateboards + UFC = Barf
Come on people. What the fuck do we need this for? Fun? Doubt it. I could understand if it was marketed to beginning skateboarders. What else would you need a stick with training wheels on it for? The whole Hawaiian/UFC/bad ass thing, freaks me out. I don't know if Kendall Grove surfs, but I hope he does not. Keep that shit away from surfing. I won't talk shit on the UFC, but do you really want that vibe lurking around your local spot? I think Peacefrog did a post exposing the connection between RVCA, BJ Penn, and Mickey's Fine Malt Liquor. Yikes. Maybe I'm crazy, but that is not a direction I can support. Do what you want. Surf how you want. Skate how you want. Rear naked choke how you want. But, don't try to sell me your bullshit SUP-UFC-stick-board without expecting some repercussions. I wish I had two more hands so I could give the Kahuna Board four thumbs down.
This surely won't top Kyle's post awhile back about his Lost... RNF with the killer clown art on it, but it is worthwhile. It's one of those things your mom wouldn't approve of, which is how Lost... rolls.
I've had this sticker floating around in my top drawer for a few years now. I have this problem with stickers. I get some that I like so much I can never commit to something that they will be stuck to forever, so they sit in my junk drawer instead.
Morocco. . . Mehhh
Stoked on Summer
The Harder and Softer Side of HR
This video is awesome, ridiculous, and horrible all at the same time. Count how often Henry blinks, I think its 2.
Fantasy Baseball
New Album Cover
Kyle has a show coming up on the 17th. John and I are going to go for sure. Let's figure out some carpool situations so we can get party and slam some brews in the parking lot.
When our friend Sayer bought a Subaru BRAT I was very excited. The BRAT was a linethat Subaru engineered in the 80's and is now known as the Baja which in reality has nothing on this beast! When it first showed up on our block it was pretty rugged. I had no idea what was to come of this machine, but of course Sayer had a plan... After about six thousand bucks in after market engine work, tires, wheels, paint, and custom wood grain vinyl logos the Brat was ready for cruising!
I am not going lie, heads turn when we carpool this puppy around the Southern California coast.

I am not going lie, heads turn when we carpool this puppy around the Southern California coast.

Mr. Bruce Jones, by Leo Hetzel
One of the few perks of working at a surf shop for the better part of my life is that every once in awhile, I stumble upon something totally kick ass that nobody else wants anything to do with.
"Old Surfers Journals? Kolohe's not in those! Fuck that"
Case and point, HUGE stacks of back issue surfers journals. I love these things. Nothing beats a healthy colon evacuation while reading a surfers journal I haven't thumbed through a thousand times over. Probably the highlight of my morning/night dump. This issue I came across from winter of 2000 (volume 9, #5) has a bitchin photo of the legendary Bruce Jones.
Bruce made me some boards when I was in high school and they always worked reallly well. One of the most stoked days of my surf youth was when he let me straight trade a pretty beat up performance tri-fin he made me that I mostly used for school contests and what not, for a brand new 9'6 noserider. I was frothin to say the least.
Cheer's to Bruce and this epic shot taken by the one and only Leo Hetzel. Knee paddling out solo towards and A frame. Does it get any better?

"Old Surfers Journals? Kolohe's not in those! Fuck that"
Case and point, HUGE stacks of back issue surfers journals. I love these things. Nothing beats a healthy colon evacuation while reading a surfers journal I haven't thumbed through a thousand times over. Probably the highlight of my morning/night dump. This issue I came across from winter of 2000 (volume 9, #5) has a bitchin photo of the legendary Bruce Jones.
Bruce made me some boards when I was in high school and they always worked reallly well. One of the most stoked days of my surf youth was when he let me straight trade a pretty beat up performance tri-fin he made me that I mostly used for school contests and what not, for a brand new 9'6 noserider. I was frothin to say the least.
Cheer's to Bruce and this epic shot taken by the one and only Leo Hetzel. Knee paddling out solo towards and A frame. Does it get any better?
As far as I know there hasn't been any posts about the oil spill in the gulf. I personally have been trying to stay away from the news about it because fuck this shit is outta control. Everyone is pointing fingers at someone else and this shit needs to get figured out. This is if not the largest, one of the largest environmental catastrophes/disasters/major fuck ups in history.
On a lighter note, I feel this video hits the nail right of the head.
On a lighter note, I feel this video hits the nail right of the head.
Name Tag
I stopped by the shop today. My old name tag is still on the wall of shame in the back. Pretty psyched on it. It's at least 5 years old or so.
Technology is a shit sandwich
I'm so over I-phones and software updates. If you are like me and own a 3G, DO NOT UPDATE to the new 4.0 software. I lost all my apps and shit. You can't even get help at the store cause of all the wankers trying to get the new 4. I've said it before and I'll say it again -
The i-phone 4 will NOT give you a BJ and it will NOT make you pancakes. What are you waiting in line for?
You must watch this little vid! Classic.
The i-phone 4 will NOT give you a BJ and it will NOT make you pancakes. What are you waiting in line for?
You must watch this little vid! Classic.
Remember Blink 182?
Of course you do. I saw them with New Found Glory in 2001 at that place in Long Beach with the whales painted on it. They were a pretty silly band and arguably the example of where punk went wrong. Sometimes it's fun to think of the old days when pop-punk ruled. Sometimes. They really made punk sound, well, normal. Did they push art forward into new heights? No. No they did not. No matter what they did or might do in the future, I bet it won't be as shitty as this. Wavves. The flagship lo-fi fuckers from San Diego have reached a new level of flail. The new single "Post Acid" is a total rip on Blink's vibe. It sounds like the "fuzzy" Blink 182. The melodies and subject matter scream 90's pop-punk. There is one little difference between these bands though. Blink dressed the part and never claimed to be doing anything but rocking the suburbs and taking kids money. Wavves is trying to trick us. Smoking weed, surfing, skateing, messy clothes, messy music and the "I don't care" attitude are all prevalent in Wavves. Sounds good, right? Sure, at first glance. But then the music starts and it all unravels in your hands. This shit is spineless and makes me feel empty inside. Image and drama are fun aspects of rock n roll, but not without the tunes to back them up. But don't take my word for it. Listen for yourself:
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