
bird feed

some guy's wife shot this footage the other morning. peacefrog was watching me surf while he prepared his best man speech. this was shot the morning of danimal's wedding. after this i proceeded to get very lost in murrieta searching for the wilson creek winery. i arrived late enough to miss the ceremony but just in time for cocktails. great time. great people. my first appearance in this video is at 3:04. i throw some baby buckets on a couple dudes with my new Cameron special.


Anonymous said...

badass. That song sucks dick cheese though

Anonymous said...

badass. That song sucks dick cheese though

Anonymous said...

Iv banged 2 girls in this video

snoogins said...

at 3:09, total shame-age,niice

anonymous, dude your a legend

slightly stupid has to be one of the worst bands of all time