Throughout middle school and high school, I had managed to cover every square inch of the walls in my room with the pages of Surfer, Surfing, Longboard Magazine, etc.
When I moved out to attend college. I ripped it all down. Huge sheets of paper. I would cover up old photos with new ones. Some parts of the wallpaper were probably 4 or 5 pages thick.
Here is one little section of the wall. Mostly adorned with FREE ads and photos of Joel Tudor.
I zoomed in on the photo and there are some Tom Wegener, Wingnut, and Beau Young photos up there too.
Top right is a photo of Pancho Sullivan laying down some rail on a garage sale board.
The very top is a poster of Noah Johnson at Waimea.
There is an "I <3 A's Burgers" bumper sticker, a birthday card from my little brother who was probably 5 or 6 at the time. It says "Daniel is surfing" on it.
Yes, the bottom right is an autographed photo of the whole BZ bodyboard team. (Douche, TJ, and I were the only one's who surfed. Everyone else was a dick dragger.)