
Weekend Activities: Continued

To piggy-back on Danimal's post, I have a supplementary image to share. The goal of the trip was video, but i did manage to snag a couple hot shots. Cyrus lives in a rad-ass old house full of wild shit. Dan and I ended up sleeping in what we lovingly referred to as "The Vagina Room." The walls were covered with abstract renderings of girls showing off their stuff. This pic will put it all into perspective. It's a little graphic, but it's art. Right? Thanks for the elk meat, CY!


murdercity said...

beef curtains!

Greg Landers said...

"Order Number 22, Roast Beef Sandwich, extra Mayo and Shoestring Fries, your order is ready!!"

ion dissonance said...

Not even after tequila.

Is that the texture of the paint or the herp?

Anonymous said...

dome is dome; aka vage is in fact vage

Anonymous said...

pussy aint got no face!