Diabolical Low-Tide Mysticism
Happy Hell-oween. Where Eagles Dare assuming full corpse paint. There are a ton more that will be posted over time, but until next time...keep destroying.

Johnny K featured on Grass is Greener
click the photo to be deported into douche's wasteland over at grass is greener..
Almost There...
Halloween is almost upon us! Shit yeah! I love Halloween. Here's a nice shot of captmouth and myself last year as Dick Cheyney and Donald Trump (assuming Immortal power stance of course.)
I'm going to be a hot dog this year, should be radical...maybe I should be a Satanic hot dog? We'll see what I can do. Also if the conditions permit there should be some svrfing in corpse paint tomorrow...
ANNND...Keep your eyes peeled for the SvrfoftheDead video to be posted Friday. Smell ya later.

ANNND...Keep your eyes peeled for the SvrfoftheDead video to be posted Friday. Smell ya later.
svrf&destroy posse member TJ has a photo included in Surfline's "California Combo Land" Gallery...photo #17. TJ rides for Harbour Surfboards and Versasurf traction, makes films, and was born today.
One time, me, TJ, and douchemcgregor were at a NSSA contest down in Carlsbad...I think...Anyways, Douche and I always first round clowned it. TJ always made it to the finals. So, we would have to wait around all day for TJ to win. Naturally, we would get bored. We always won all this free swag (stuff we all get). This particular day, TJ won a Hurley wallet.
We took said wallet to IHOP. DoucheMcgregor shit in it. We put a dollar in it...
We watched people pick up and inspect a shit filled wallet at Boney's Market.
Good times.
Happy Dethday T...from the goons at birthday&destroy.
One time, me, TJ, and douchemcgregor were at a NSSA contest down in Carlsbad...I think...Anyways, Douche and I always first round clowned it. TJ always made it to the finals. So, we would have to wait around all day for TJ to win. Naturally, we would get bored. We always won all this free swag (stuff we all get). This particular day, TJ won a Hurley wallet.
We took said wallet to IHOP. DoucheMcgregor shit in it. We put a dollar in it...
We watched people pick up and inspect a shit filled wallet at Boney's Market.
Good times.
Happy Dethday T...from the goons at birthday&destroy.

Grass is Greener
i started something new yesterday, and would love it if you wanted to help or contribute in anyway. danimal & his style have already been featured today- douche & his negative antics, where eagles dare & his vinyl, murdercity & his films, and duderonomy & his recordings are soon to follow.. be sure to check it.
Blogs of Interest,
Shed their blood! Shed their blood! Shed their blood!
I've been thinking allot about the SUP problem and also have been watching blood diamond on HBO. LIGHTBULB! Occasionally a truly genius idea sneaks past all the resin clogging my brain.
We gather all the best groms in socal, arm them with Ak's, blind fold and brainwash them, then get them to start blasting SUP'ers while chanting "Shed their blood!". The pep talk could go something like this "All your life you have been dropped in on by these janitors. They have never given you respect. With this (hand them AK47) you will demand respect..."
Of course rewarding the kids would be allot more humane than the RUF kids in Africa. I'm thinking instead of heroin, the SUP killing groms should get hooked up with product, stickers, energy drinks, Cheetos...shit like that. SHED THEIR BLOOD
We gather all the best groms in socal, arm them with Ak's, blind fold and brainwash them, then get them to start blasting SUP'ers while chanting "Shed their blood!". The pep talk could go something like this "All your life you have been dropped in on by these janitors. They have never given you respect. With this (hand them AK47) you will demand respect..."
Of course rewarding the kids would be allot more humane than the RUF kids in Africa. I'm thinking instead of heroin, the SUP killing groms should get hooked up with product, stickers, energy drinks, Cheetos...shit like that. SHED THEIR BLOOD
Shed their bloood,
This has been a pretty good svrfing weekend.
I have been putting this 7' Gato Heroi Hull I borrowed through the paces. I don't see what all the hype is about, I have had a few good ones on it, but...I'll save this for another post...
Anyways, aside from the 30mph side currents, boatloads of donkeys, and shame things have been great.
Today, I svrfed, where I always surf, not just when the place a mile south is walled. I rode my 9'0" pintail single fin wrongboard because it was chest high and mushy. I caught a bunch of waves, mainly because I'm not a dork and I wasn't riding my favorite 6'0" thruster.
Okay, cue all the butt hurt and sour looks in the lineup. "Who is this guy on the dongboard catching all the waves?!?"
People look pissed, start to make remarks...whatever, your fault for choosing the wrong equipment. I've never seen you guys svrf here before, eat shit and die.
Bear with me, this is where it starts to get good.
Fast forward to me in the parking lot with my brother. 2' of my 9' board are hanging into the parking spot next to me. Sitting in the bed of my truck putting my shoes on. Huge fat guy (You know the guy, there is one at every beach in Southern California. So fat he trunks it year round, prolly got picked on a lot in middle school for having bitch tits. Angry because his 6'6" thruster just doesn't float him like it used to. Is buff and he knows it...Yeah. That guy.) cruises up to his truck next to me and says:
"Hey! Now that you can fucking see that I'm here how about moving your fucking surfboard outta the way?!?!"
I calmy respond with a little attitude of my own.
"Yeah...I'll get to it...when I'm ready..."
He stares me in the eyes, and spits on the bottom of my surfboard.
I laugh and mutter, "Nice..." Thoughts racing in my head. Spit on his truck? No, guaranteed black eye. Call him a faggot? No, prolly gonna get curbed. Get in his face? Nah, who am I kidding, all 5'9" 150lbs of me would be stuffed into the nearest trashcan...stuff like that.
I decide against any sort of reaction. Remain calm.
He walks away. I leave the board there, put my shoes on, pack my shit, and put the wrongboard in my truck and say.
"Have a nice day Broseph." and drive away.
In retrospect, I could have said a lot of things, douchemcgregor sure as fuck would have. But I wasn't in the mood for getting my ass kicked in the parking lot by some huge moke.
I have never gotten my ass kicked, and I plan to keep it that way.
I prefer to remain calm, cool, and collected and silently hope that karma finds this particular gentlemen in the form of a sexually transmitted disease...preferably one that doesn't clear up with a simple antibiotic.
Surfing is starting to piss me off more than I enjoy it. I think I am gonna quit and move to Norway so I can listen to some solid black metal while ice fishing.
I'm just sayin'
(Sorry there's no pictures.)
I have been putting this 7' Gato Heroi Hull I borrowed through the paces. I don't see what all the hype is about, I have had a few good ones on it, but...I'll save this for another post...
Anyways, aside from the 30mph side currents, boatloads of donkeys, and shame things have been great.
Today, I svrfed, where I always surf, not just when the place a mile south is walled. I rode my 9'0" pintail single fin wrongboard because it was chest high and mushy. I caught a bunch of waves, mainly because I'm not a dork and I wasn't riding my favorite 6'0" thruster.
Okay, cue all the butt hurt and sour looks in the lineup. "Who is this guy on the dongboard catching all the waves?!?"
People look pissed, start to make remarks...whatever, your fault for choosing the wrong equipment. I've never seen you guys svrf here before, eat shit and die.
Bear with me, this is where it starts to get good.
Fast forward to me in the parking lot with my brother. 2' of my 9' board are hanging into the parking spot next to me. Sitting in the bed of my truck putting my shoes on. Huge fat guy (You know the guy, there is one at every beach in Southern California. So fat he trunks it year round, prolly got picked on a lot in middle school for having bitch tits. Angry because his 6'6" thruster just doesn't float him like it used to. Is buff and he knows it...Yeah. That guy.) cruises up to his truck next to me and says:
"Hey! Now that you can fucking see that I'm here how about moving your fucking surfboard outta the way?!?!"
I calmy respond with a little attitude of my own.
"Yeah...I'll get to it...when I'm ready..."
He stares me in the eyes, and spits on the bottom of my surfboard.
I laugh and mutter, "Nice..." Thoughts racing in my head. Spit on his truck? No, guaranteed black eye. Call him a faggot? No, prolly gonna get curbed. Get in his face? Nah, who am I kidding, all 5'9" 150lbs of me would be stuffed into the nearest trashcan...stuff like that.
I decide against any sort of reaction. Remain calm.
He walks away. I leave the board there, put my shoes on, pack my shit, and put the wrongboard in my truck and say.
"Have a nice day Broseph." and drive away.
In retrospect, I could have said a lot of things, douchemcgregor sure as fuck would have. But I wasn't in the mood for getting my ass kicked in the parking lot by some huge moke.
I have never gotten my ass kicked, and I plan to keep it that way.
I prefer to remain calm, cool, and collected and silently hope that karma finds this particular gentlemen in the form of a sexually transmitted disease...preferably one that doesn't clear up with a simple antibiotic.
Surfing is starting to piss me off more than I enjoy it. I think I am gonna quit and move to Norway so I can listen to some solid black metal while ice fishing.
I'm just sayin'
(Sorry there's no pictures.)
i just love music man
im sick of getting asked "how the fuck are you so into the grateful dead, but at the same time obsessed with slayer?! they're the exact opposite!" yeah? ..so? check out greg ginn's shirt here, he obviously loved all types of music too- yep :) the grateful dead man.. deal with it.
Many Thanks

Thank you to all the people who contributed to our AIDS Walk team. I raised $180, so I was psyched on that.
svrf sister
Morgan and Bryson
Other than being condemned to hell by rogue christians, it was a good day.
worldwide svrf + destroy crew
Fvk Obama, Fvk McCain . . .
Sorry to get all political here, but i know at least some of you are going to be voting this November . . . and unless you are my friend James (either one of them) you should consider voting yes on prop. 2 which will provide bigger cages for livestock.
Just listen to GZA
Just listen to GZA
Waiting Room
In my great anticipation for the Ian MacKaye Q&A at UC Irvine tomorrow I have been jamming Fvgazi all day. This is one of my favorite videos of them performing "Waiting Room" in front of a really stellar crowd. If you haven't taken the time to get into this band before do yourself a huge favor and go to the record store and purchase every single one of their albums, no shit, all of them, then go home and lock yourself in your room. Here's the vid, enjoy fans.
Vote for me reality is follow me to hell

Surfing magazine has got to be the most widely circulated collection of horse shit ever. No I'm not talking about the 22 page series of advertisements labeled "Wetsuit buyers guide". I'm talking about the 14 pages urging surfers to get political and then presenting us the political opinions of pros.
Does surfing mag really think I should value or even care about the political opinions of a bunch of fucktard pro's who probably didn't finish highschool? The exception to this rant would be Dane's section which was pretty damn funny (his summer vay kay article was really good as well). I don't have a subscription to surfing. I usually just flip through it at Katin, but if I did I would sure as shit cancel it. Pronto.
...Stay tuned for my fuck Alaias rant....
I Can't Explain
Best. You. Tube. Videos. Ever.
Seriously. Take a few minutes out of your day and check these out.
Seriously. Take a few minutes out of your day and check these out.
Captain Fin Co.
Here are the Scotty Stopnik fins by Captain Fin Co.
Lookin' sweet.

If you have never heard of Scotty before...get learned here.
Scotty reading a bedtime story and gettin' tucked into bed.

Photo: Michael Lallande
Scotty fightin' terrorists.

Photo: Jack English
Lookin' sweet.

If you have never heard of Scotty before...get learned here.
Scotty reading a bedtime story and gettin' tucked into bed.

Photo: Michael Lallande
Scotty fightin' terrorists.

Photo: Jack English
Greetings from Baja
finally scanned film from last trip..
check this shit out dude... not even planned..
frame 1 = destroy(ed), frame 2 = surf.
check this shit out dude... not even planned..
frame 1 = destroy(ed), frame 2 = surf.
Mute this, But Watch this!
Longboards CAN be surfed "progressively" and smoothly. Check this opening footage of joel at Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica, which is certainly not an ideal log wave. Most performance longboading makes me squirm with unease for the surfer himself, but there are exceptions to the case. Joel in Contest style mode (as seen in clip) and surfers like Dodger Kremel can blend it and blend it well. Oh and that looks like a timmy patterson shaped single fin he's riding?
Side note- Honestly what's the deal with shit soundtracks accompanying nearly all longboarding clips and movies? The day a longboard movie (svrfandestroy produced?) comes out with a soundtrack as good as a snowboard or skate flick, will be the day I find religion.
Side note- Honestly what's the deal with shit soundtracks accompanying nearly all longboarding clips and movies? The day a longboard movie (svrfandestroy produced?) comes out with a soundtrack as good as a snowboard or skate flick, will be the day I find religion.
FUCKING AWESOME! (Motorhead content)
These guys do radical ukulele cover songs. Check em' out and have them play at your wedding!
Everybody know what time it is? Toooob Time.
C St. Via Diana
shot this when douche was still in town. fuck man, i miss you. shredding slop at C st just isn't the same..
Geoff Rowley
Longevity Surfing Magazine

I don't really think anyone has ever heard of this magazine...because it was canned after the first issue. Back in 2003, Travis Karian, an upcoming surf film maker, started Longevity as a side project to his surf films (The Cast, From this Day Forward, Log, Arise, among others.)
Anyways, the magazine has a killer interview with Joel Tudor and a sweet article "20 Guys You Don't Know." The article features Cyrus Sutton, Alex Knost, Dodger Kremel, Christian Wach, and svrfandestroy fiend, TJ Ridings.
log donkey,
Stale clip..bueno shredin
I didn't bring a single surf flick to kauai so i've been gettin my youtube on. This tyler clip (you've probably seen it a dozen times before) is tripping me out. Partly because i'm buzzing, and partly because I used to live in Venice CA with Danimal a couple years ago, and we surfed el porto all the time just because it was consistent. That wave fucking sucks. It fucking sucks even worse for heavy longboards. I don't have a clue how hatch can does it, but he does it. Ohh and I watched this clip with the audio turned all the way down while travis (duderonomy) blasted Nile so hard the windows were flexin.
I Already Have Halloween Plans
...but if I didn't I would be going to this.
" Until the Light Takes Us is a feature length documentary chronicling the history, ideology and aesthetic of Norwegian black metal - a musical subculture infamous as much for a series of murders and church arsons as it is for its unique musical and visual aesthetics...This is black metal as seen through the eyes of those who created it, of those who live it, of those who are at the center of the story of black metal. Featuring: Gylve "Fenriz" Nagell, Varg Vikernes, Jan Axel "Hellhammer" Blomberg, Kjetil "Frost" Haraldstad, Ivar Bjornson, Abbath and Demonaz Doom Occulta, Kris "Garm" Rygg, Bjarne Melgaard, Harmony Korine, and more. The film, shot on 35 mm and dv, is directed and produced by Audrey Ewell and Aaron Aites."
check it out: http://www.myspace.com/blackmetalmovie

check it out: http://www.myspace.com/blackmetalmovie
No More Group Hugs.
I am tired of everyone thinking that surfing is one great big group hug. It's not.
This isn't hvg&destroy.
So stop hugging and start destroying.
Just like svrfandestroy pal Drewbob is doing right now. You prolly can't tell, but Drewbob most likely shreds this hard from all the Skittles and Mike and Ikes he eats.
Not sure who took these photos of Drew, but mad props fool.

This isn't hvg&destroy.
So stop hugging and start destroying.
Just like svrfandestroy pal Drewbob is doing right now. You prolly can't tell, but Drewbob most likely shreds this hard from all the Skittles and Mike and Ikes he eats.
Not sure who took these photos of Drew, but mad props fool.

Got My Hands Up Around the Bars...
Halloween is in the air...

My lady and I went to the pumpkin patch the other night and scored on a couple mid sized freshies...In honor of our Blogs first legit Halloween coming up i decided to dedicate my pumpkin slashing to the boys at Surf and Destroy...We also cooked the seeds with salt in the oven at 350 degrees for 15 minutes...So tasty!
Ok. I am guilty. I burned this dude this morning.
We're both paddling for the same wave, he is a little deeper. I can't see him, as the rights are facing directly into the dawn sun...I didn't think he got it, so I went...got in trim, pulled in, came out...naturally.
Anyways, I kick out, he is shaking his head yelling "Nuh uh, Nuh uh, No!!!" I paddled up to him, apologized, saying I didn't think he caught it. Then he said something about sending me to the "emergency room" (I'm not sure if my story telling ability is conveying how pissed this dude is.)
Anyways, I said "my bad" and paddled away.
Whatever broseph. I had never seen you here before. You show up to a place my friends and I have been surfing for years (every day, not just the days there are swell) after they build this jetty that makes things better than they were before. You are riding a longboard (I was wrong boarding too, but not trying to pretend it is a 6'0") suuuuper aggro-like, and you are wearing a freaking kook kord and its only chest high at best.
Anways, I get out about a half hour later to make it to work on time and I see TJ on the beach. He said it was a sick wave and that guy kicked his board at me on that wave. He said it came close. I was unaware.
Yeah, my fault, but the point of the story is that dude is a donkey, the waves have been firing lately, and they are likely to get better in the coming week.
Whenever I see someone who's ability I doubt, or like in this instance, are wearing a leash on a longboard, it is usually a dead giveaway of their surfing ability...So, myself being the prudent shredder that I am, err on the side of caution because a lot of dudes blow good waves and I am there to pick up the pieces. I get stink eyes all the time because I paddle for waves that other dudes are paddling for, because at this break, there is a good chance they are gonna roll the windows down and flail.
MDJ put it best. "Make waves...not friends."
See you in the water!
We're both paddling for the same wave, he is a little deeper. I can't see him, as the rights are facing directly into the dawn sun...I didn't think he got it, so I went...got in trim, pulled in, came out...naturally.
Anyways, I kick out, he is shaking his head yelling "Nuh uh, Nuh uh, No!!!" I paddled up to him, apologized, saying I didn't think he caught it. Then he said something about sending me to the "emergency room" (I'm not sure if my story telling ability is conveying how pissed this dude is.)
Anyways, I said "my bad" and paddled away.
Whatever broseph. I had never seen you here before. You show up to a place my friends and I have been surfing for years (every day, not just the days there are swell) after they build this jetty that makes things better than they were before. You are riding a longboard (I was wrong boarding too, but not trying to pretend it is a 6'0") suuuuper aggro-like, and you are wearing a freaking kook kord and its only chest high at best.
Anways, I get out about a half hour later to make it to work on time and I see TJ on the beach. He said it was a sick wave and that guy kicked his board at me on that wave. He said it came close. I was unaware.
Yeah, my fault, but the point of the story is that dude is a donkey, the waves have been firing lately, and they are likely to get better in the coming week.
Whenever I see someone who's ability I doubt, or like in this instance, are wearing a leash on a longboard, it is usually a dead giveaway of their surfing ability...So, myself being the prudent shredder that I am, err on the side of caution because a lot of dudes blow good waves and I am there to pick up the pieces. I get stink eyes all the time because I paddle for waves that other dudes are paddling for, because at this break, there is a good chance they are gonna roll the windows down and flail.
MDJ put it best. "Make waves...not friends."
See you in the water!
Seal Beach Gun Club
boredom can be radballs sometimes. like here, i was bored as shit the other day- so i drew us an epic couple of logos for our new shirts that we'll be printing soon. things are getting darker around here- danimal likes it that way ;)
Sanding Jesus
i surfed c st this morning, and it was much bigger than expected (the forcast was actually accurate! imagine that!)- my log did not enjoy it, neither did i. i figured i'd spend my afternoon giving Jesus (my chuck dent stubby) a nice fixin' and set up a shot of myself doin' the deed. also, added a brand new upside-down cross in flat black, fresh for tomorrow.
(p.s. - rincon was breaking today, first time this season..)

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