Does Anyone Else...
I'm not sure if the masses know that circa 1993-1998 or 9 (Nitro records years, danimal and peacefrog dust off your old Offspring CDs) they were actually pretty cool. Yes, No? The driving scene in this video looks as though it could be a nod to the Moz's "My Love Life" video which gets me stoked either way.
If you like where this post is going watch the Totalimmortal video as well, then talk about how boss it is in the comments section
Fuck You Manny Ramirez
Shepard Fairey Print
The photo that the print was made from was taken by Tom Servais at Jaws. Not sure who the hellman is.
The print probably sold out in a half hour or so. Pretty psyched I snagged one. It reminds me of some of Raymond Pettibon's work with the different shades of blue and the brush stroke feel on the face of the wave.

Bootz's sugar momma

Here is the "to-do" list created and allegedly going to be carried out by Bootz's new roommate/sugar mama. Basically, this is what happens when you have a trust fund, go to rehab for anti-depressants, and are given a $500 a week allowance from your parents. This picture was taken just prior to receiving a text from Bootz that said she had just dropped $500 at Gelsons's (posh ass grocery store).
ohh and Heres a video for when she feels guilty on sunday afternoon when she wakes up from a xanny bar coma. It's all good if your down with jesus Yea?
while were on a youtube kick...
I have been riding Morris' 9'8" Kookbox lately. Mind blowing. It's fairly light and has a really flat deck in addition to the aforementioned qualities. It's fun to go to the nose and stay there.
A while back it was all about flex fins, pulled in noses, shallow nose concave, a heap of vee, and some slashin'.

Aeronautical Treats
Strong Beach, RiVcon, and Bolsa...
Curtis Mayfield
Don't help anyone . . . ever.
MADEIRA BEACH, Fla. — A 41-year-old man was arrested on Monday at at Madeira Beach after witnesses said he repeatedly pretended to drown, then allegedly began tossing jellyfish at nearby teenagers. According to a sheriff's office report, Keith Edward Marriott caused "concern for his safety" when he repeatedly submerged himself and floated back to the top of the water. He was also "loud and disruptive."
He then started throwing the sea creatures.
Marriott was arrested and charged with disorderly intoxication and carrying a concealed weapon. According to the St. Petersburg Times, Marriott was carrying a pocketknife in his shorts.
Jail records indicate that Marriott was being held on $250 bond. A message left after-hours at the public defender's office was not immediately returned late Tuesday night.
New Sled
All Killer No Filler
look kool tonight!!!
The Mac Snack Wrap. Is. Coming.

Morgan Spurlock eat your heart out!
Eat Me Daily
Mac Snack Wrap
Polar Dookie
I like how the title says "Polar Bear Poops Underwater (Original)" As if another polar bear saw this video and is also trying to gain youtube stardom by shitting in the water. Or maybe this same video is floating around somewhere with "Enter Sandman" or "What I Got" dubbed over it or something, hence making this one the original? I dunno just something to think about...
Also, right around the 0:25 second mark, don't you wish he'd just swim through it? Me too.
It almost bothered me

That people were trying to contrive feuds between us here at s&d with just about everyone else, but then I realized I don't give a fuuuuck and simply went on with my day. It's all good baby.
See what you gotta do is take some of Nevadical McRadicals graphs advice and just live it. I'm on the computer for about 10 maybe 20 minutes a day doing this stuff, so when night comes and it's time to rest my greasy head you can sure as shit believe that I'm not thinking about this fucking inside joke of a blog.
Im thinking about pussy, money, and weed.(yea weezy)
Lighten up internet. Nothing is serious
If I were to SUP (according to drewbob)

and this is how he thinks I would rock it SUP styles. Check the logos
Hot sauce john don't sup
Bang the fuck out of that shit