Eric Christenson
My brother and I went over to EC's house today to order some new sleds.
I ordered a 9'3" Diamond tail Mod Sled. Single fin box (black). No leash plug. Sand finish. No color. Whatever logos EC wants, which will probably be none on the bottom and the bike logo on the deck. Six-Double-Six glassing. Should be sick. I think the dims are about 22.5" x 2 7/8"
My brother ordered a 5'7" Frodo bat-tail quad. Future fin boxes with Speeddialer turbos. No Color. Sand finish. Same exact dims as my Frankenstein board. EC said he has tweaked the design a bit, so it should be rad to compare and contrast the two sleds for him.
Anyways, EC had a stack of boards in the corner he has for sale. Here are some of them.
5'4" Bat Tail Twin Bat-Keel with art work by Randy Noborikawa. His other website is El Sugar Skull.
The fins are hand foiled baltic birch marine plywood. EC said it takes about a solid hour foil one of these fins....and he busted the tips off of three of them before he ended up with two.
This board is ready to ride. Functional art.
$1,800. Email surf.destroy@gmail.com for details or give EC a call @ 949.872.7013

The other board he had was a 5'9"x21" x 2.5" EPS Frodo Bat-tail quad. FCS fusion fin boxes.
I have a 5'7" Frodo and it is one of my favorite boards. My brother loves mine and he ordered one too. Douche McGregor just ordered a 5'8". A choice sled.
$500. Email surf.destroy@gmail.com for details or give EC a call @ 949.872.7013

Buy a board. Support local craftsmen. I'll even throw in a sixer of homebrew.
I ordered a 9'3" Diamond tail Mod Sled. Single fin box (black). No leash plug. Sand finish. No color. Whatever logos EC wants, which will probably be none on the bottom and the bike logo on the deck. Six-Double-Six glassing. Should be sick. I think the dims are about 22.5" x 2 7/8"
My brother ordered a 5'7" Frodo bat-tail quad. Future fin boxes with Speeddialer turbos. No Color. Sand finish. Same exact dims as my Frankenstein board. EC said he has tweaked the design a bit, so it should be rad to compare and contrast the two sleds for him.
Anyways, EC had a stack of boards in the corner he has for sale. Here are some of them.
5'4" Bat Tail Twin Bat-Keel with art work by Randy Noborikawa. His other website is El Sugar Skull.
The fins are hand foiled baltic birch marine plywood. EC said it takes about a solid hour foil one of these fins....and he busted the tips off of three of them before he ended up with two.
This board is ready to ride. Functional art.
$1,800. Email surf.destroy@gmail.com for details or give EC a call @ 949.872.7013
The other board he had was a 5'9"x21" x 2.5" EPS Frodo Bat-tail quad. FCS fusion fin boxes.
I have a 5'7" Frodo and it is one of my favorite boards. My brother loves mine and he ordered one too. Douche McGregor just ordered a 5'8". A choice sled.
$500. Email surf.destroy@gmail.com for details or give EC a call @ 949.872.7013
Buy a board. Support local craftsmen. I'll even throw in a sixer of homebrew.
EC surfboards,
eric christenson surfboards,
turkey day tats
svrfandestroy's buddy evan p is getting tattooed at the haunted mansion tonight. take a tour if you dare..muuuhaahaha
Dungeon of Doom

This blog rules. Dungeon of Doom. The first post had me hooked...
"Usually when i wake up in the morning, i sit down at my desk, check the surf, and cruise on to www.surfline.com for some videos and pictures to pass my morning by. i usually scoff at the shitty music that playing behind the surfing. Do all surfers have shitty music taste nowadays?"
Exactly. Douche, Lightnar, and I have had this conversation a few times. Why does surfing love shitty music? Watch any video posted on Surfer, Surfline, etc. and prepare to have your eardrums raped by Mickey Avalon.
And longboard movies were always the WORST! Fvck surf guitar. Fvck super slo-mo. I love Herbie Fletcher, but his movies always had the most terrible soundtracks. Douche and I had nowhere else to turn to get our Tudor fix.
Black Metal,
Blogs of Interest,
Surf films
Forget surfline
Just grab a board, wetty, and a towel (or do like me, and use your board sock to keep it extra minimal and grungy) and go.
(iphone photo snobs)
No waves... Lay down some mad burn outs with the 350 el Cam. Destroy
No waves... Lay down some mad burn outs with the 350 el Cam. Destroy
burn outs,
El Camino's,
pretty pink sunsets,
Seal Beach...
Recent Photos
The Shop
Keep your eyes peeled for Dono and the gang in "The Shop". Coming to a television screen near you.
So Let's discuss...
Danimal's latest post seems to have generated some water cooler like buzz, so let's discuss this further. Any ideas as to how Dongboard contests could be improved?
I look at it this way - The best of the best when it comes to longboarding, seem to be pretty much over it. When Danimal told me the WLT was going down, I listed off a bunch of names, asking if they were competing (Tudor, Kremel, and so on) to which he replied "NOPE" to all. I can't quote verbatim, but I heard Joel rolled through the parking lot of HB during the US open last year or the year before, saw a bunch of long shortboards and those little robbins brothers dorks, said "FUCK THIS" and drove off. He's won that contest like 69,420 times but with the way the judging is going he's over it.
So long as air's and going vertical (Which isn't that hard actually) is scored higher than style and noseriding, we are not going to see the best longboarders strut their stuff. SO how do you fix this?
It could be argued that style and noseriding can't really be judged at all being that it's more of an artisitc, natural type expression rather than a forced display of manuevers. The way it is right now, the more manevuers that are squeezed into a single wave, the higher your score is. This fucked up my surfing for a long time because i'd surf nssa's and try to please janice fucking jargon's opinion of what was "good longboarding". In reality it made me surf ugly by flailing to fit maneuvers on the wave that weren't called for, rather than actually riding the wave. Had I surfed the wave properly with half as many forced movements, I would have first round clowned more than I already did.
Can style be judged? I'll leave you with this example from last weekend's firey offshore goodness at bolsa on Sunday...Captmouth was taking photo's from the beach and after losing my board and spotting some hard bodied bodacious babes on the beach, I took a seat next to him. He leaned over and asked "Who's that fool with the checkers on his board?" He was asking about a dude named John Husak, who was one of many people out in the water ripping. There were the usual high performance dudes trying to go bonkers and what not, but it was Husak's minimalistic approach and smooth as fuck noserides that caught Captmouth's eye, and he doesn't even surf ( he shred's at skating. like switch blunts and shit). After I told him who it was, Captmouth merley replied, "SHREDDER"... The person who looked most comfortable and stylish in the ocean caught the most attention...There you have it. Or not. Commence idea discussion -
What would dora do? Burn it to the ground
I look at it this way - The best of the best when it comes to longboarding, seem to be pretty much over it. When Danimal told me the WLT was going down, I listed off a bunch of names, asking if they were competing (Tudor, Kremel, and so on) to which he replied "NOPE" to all. I can't quote verbatim, but I heard Joel rolled through the parking lot of HB during the US open last year or the year before, saw a bunch of long shortboards and those little robbins brothers dorks, said "FUCK THIS" and drove off. He's won that contest like 69,420 times but with the way the judging is going he's over it.
So long as air's and going vertical (Which isn't that hard actually) is scored higher than style and noseriding, we are not going to see the best longboarders strut their stuff. SO how do you fix this?
It could be argued that style and noseriding can't really be judged at all being that it's more of an artisitc, natural type expression rather than a forced display of manuevers. The way it is right now, the more manevuers that are squeezed into a single wave, the higher your score is. This fucked up my surfing for a long time because i'd surf nssa's and try to please janice fucking jargon's opinion of what was "good longboarding". In reality it made me surf ugly by flailing to fit maneuvers on the wave that weren't called for, rather than actually riding the wave. Had I surfed the wave properly with half as many forced movements, I would have first round clowned more than I already did.
Can style be judged? I'll leave you with this example from last weekend's firey offshore goodness at bolsa on Sunday...Captmouth was taking photo's from the beach and after losing my board and spotting some hard bodied bodacious babes on the beach, I took a seat next to him. He leaned over and asked "Who's that fool with the checkers on his board?" He was asking about a dude named John Husak, who was one of many people out in the water ripping. There were the usual high performance dudes trying to go bonkers and what not, but it was Husak's minimalistic approach and smooth as fuck noserides that caught Captmouth's eye, and he doesn't even surf ( he shred's at skating. like switch blunts and shit). After I told him who it was, Captmouth merley replied, "SHREDDER"... The person who looked most comfortable and stylish in the ocean caught the most attention...There you have it. Or not. Commence idea discussion -
What would dora do? Burn it to the ground

420 69,
Longboarders Still Getting the Short End of the Stick
I post on Surfermag's message board as Shredthegnar.
This was an article posted the other day.
Longboarders Still Getting the Short End of the Stick
By Brad Melekian
November 17, 2008
A forgotten surfing title was handed out on San Onofre State Beach last weekend, as Bonga Perkins of Hawaii won the final Oxbow World Longboard Tour event of the season, in the process winning the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Longboard Championship.
But he did so to little fanfare. While the ASP's World Tour (for shortboard competition) retools itself, enjoys its richest paydays in history, and broadcasts each of its events live over the Internet, the World Longboard Tour only just returned to ASP-sanctioned status this year. And even as its World Championship was decided on U.S. soil, the world of competitive longboarding – long flailing, particularly on an international level – is struggling to maintain its relevance.
The event at San Onofre was the culmination of a three-stop season with a total prize purse of $135,000, wherein the accumulated points leader would be crowned world champion. It is essentially the same system under which the shortboard side of ASP competition works, except the shortboard tour has 11 events, each one carrying a prize purse of at least $320,000, for an annual prize purse just north of 3.5 million.
Still, regardless of the money or length of tour, to longboard competitors the title still matters, a fact that was reflected in the wealth of international surfers, each of whom paid their way to be present at San Onofre – 48 surfers from seven countries competed in the four-day event. And while the longboard tour may exist in the shadow of the shortboard tour, competitors didn't seem to mind much, as reflected in Perkins' thrill in victory.
After defeating the French surfer Antoine Delpero in the final, Perkins was overjoyed. “I've been bridesmaids and thirds and fourths so many times now and I was hoping that my second title would come soon before I bow out,” the 36-year-old said.
Still, Perkins, a well-respected and well-liked surfer who now has two world titles to his credit, is in many ways representative of the carelessness with which longboarding has been treated in the surfing world. Despite the fact that he is regarded by many to be one of the most complete and well-rounded surfers on the planet, he is relatively unknown on the international stage, particularly when compared to shortboarding's biggest stars.
For years, in a rift misrepresentative of surfing's current “ride anything” epoch, professional surfing's image makers have relegated longboard surfing to castoff status. Nowhere is this more evident than in its flailing world tour. This despite the fact that longboards share a prominent place in any lineup, and despite the fact that today's longboard surfers are undertaking some of the more artful, elegant wave-riding being done anywhere.
Not surprisingly, this is a fact driven by commerce. The World Tour, and shortboard surfing in general, not only have a much larger fan base, but their events are money-makers, as the surfers who compete on that tour are international stars in the world of surfing, paid handsomely by large conglomerates to endorse their products.
Longboard surfing, meanwhile, exists as a niche market.
Even its greatest proponents concede that the future of longboard competition is spotty at best, and that it will never be as popular or as much of a money-maker as shortboard surfing.
But for a few days last week, that didn't matter. Just listen to Perkins: “I can't even speak,” he said, after winning. “I'm blown away right now.”
This was my response.
I probably longboard more than anyone on this forum and I don't give a rat's ass about who won the championship. Yeah Bonga shreds, and he is one of a handful that can blend modern and traditional longboarding.
How can they reasonably expect more people to care about it when people who do ride longboards don't give a shiit?
9 out of 10 guys who are competing in longboard competitions are riding it like a shortboard with a nose job. It is absolutely hideous to watch Taylor Jenson boost 1 foot airs on a wrong board and think it's rad.
It looks like really shitty shortboarding...in slow motion...
Yeah, don't get me wrong. There are guys who do longboard well. But those who can shred with an ounce of style and finesse, are few and far between.
All the dudes competing never made it to the finals in an NSSA and figured that they could do things half as well on a longboard and win.
When it comes to longboards. Fvck leashes, fvck contests, and fvck anything other than a single fin.
I always end up entering myself in another contest or riding a tri-fin...and always return to the same conclusion. Save it for the sub 9' set.
Nothing would piss me off more to go to a contest to see sh!t like spinners and hand stands scoring points. Fvck that. It's lame.
Excuse me while I go find another parade to rain on.
The tri-fin ruined longboarding...the leash too.
Congrats to Bonga. But please... enough of this. Ride a shortboard. Seriously.

Do you agree, disagree, agree to disagree? Don't give a rat's ass?
This was an article posted the other day.
Longboarders Still Getting the Short End of the Stick
By Brad Melekian
November 17, 2008
A forgotten surfing title was handed out on San Onofre State Beach last weekend, as Bonga Perkins of Hawaii won the final Oxbow World Longboard Tour event of the season, in the process winning the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Longboard Championship.
But he did so to little fanfare. While the ASP's World Tour (for shortboard competition) retools itself, enjoys its richest paydays in history, and broadcasts each of its events live over the Internet, the World Longboard Tour only just returned to ASP-sanctioned status this year. And even as its World Championship was decided on U.S. soil, the world of competitive longboarding – long flailing, particularly on an international level – is struggling to maintain its relevance.
The event at San Onofre was the culmination of a three-stop season with a total prize purse of $135,000, wherein the accumulated points leader would be crowned world champion. It is essentially the same system under which the shortboard side of ASP competition works, except the shortboard tour has 11 events, each one carrying a prize purse of at least $320,000, for an annual prize purse just north of 3.5 million.
Still, regardless of the money or length of tour, to longboard competitors the title still matters, a fact that was reflected in the wealth of international surfers, each of whom paid their way to be present at San Onofre – 48 surfers from seven countries competed in the four-day event. And while the longboard tour may exist in the shadow of the shortboard tour, competitors didn't seem to mind much, as reflected in Perkins' thrill in victory.
After defeating the French surfer Antoine Delpero in the final, Perkins was overjoyed. “I've been bridesmaids and thirds and fourths so many times now and I was hoping that my second title would come soon before I bow out,” the 36-year-old said.
Still, Perkins, a well-respected and well-liked surfer who now has two world titles to his credit, is in many ways representative of the carelessness with which longboarding has been treated in the surfing world. Despite the fact that he is regarded by many to be one of the most complete and well-rounded surfers on the planet, he is relatively unknown on the international stage, particularly when compared to shortboarding's biggest stars.
For years, in a rift misrepresentative of surfing's current “ride anything” epoch, professional surfing's image makers have relegated longboard surfing to castoff status. Nowhere is this more evident than in its flailing world tour. This despite the fact that longboards share a prominent place in any lineup, and despite the fact that today's longboard surfers are undertaking some of the more artful, elegant wave-riding being done anywhere.
Not surprisingly, this is a fact driven by commerce. The World Tour, and shortboard surfing in general, not only have a much larger fan base, but their events are money-makers, as the surfers who compete on that tour are international stars in the world of surfing, paid handsomely by large conglomerates to endorse their products.
Longboard surfing, meanwhile, exists as a niche market.
Even its greatest proponents concede that the future of longboard competition is spotty at best, and that it will never be as popular or as much of a money-maker as shortboard surfing.
But for a few days last week, that didn't matter. Just listen to Perkins: “I can't even speak,” he said, after winning. “I'm blown away right now.”
This was my response.
I probably longboard more than anyone on this forum and I don't give a rat's ass about who won the championship. Yeah Bonga shreds, and he is one of a handful that can blend modern and traditional longboarding.
How can they reasonably expect more people to care about it when people who do ride longboards don't give a shiit?
9 out of 10 guys who are competing in longboard competitions are riding it like a shortboard with a nose job. It is absolutely hideous to watch Taylor Jenson boost 1 foot airs on a wrong board and think it's rad.
It looks like really shitty shortboarding...in slow motion...
Yeah, don't get me wrong. There are guys who do longboard well. But those who can shred with an ounce of style and finesse, are few and far between.
All the dudes competing never made it to the finals in an NSSA and figured that they could do things half as well on a longboard and win.
When it comes to longboards. Fvck leashes, fvck contests, and fvck anything other than a single fin.
I always end up entering myself in another contest or riding a tri-fin...and always return to the same conclusion. Save it for the sub 9' set.
Nothing would piss me off more to go to a contest to see sh!t like spinners and hand stands scoring points. Fvck that. It's lame.
Excuse me while I go find another parade to rain on.
The tri-fin ruined longboarding...the leash too.
Congrats to Bonga. But please... enough of this. Ride a shortboard. Seriously.

Do you agree, disagree, agree to disagree? Don't give a rat's ass?
Jalama high tide blues
seahorse, theo, and the walrus rolled up friday for an art show at esteem and a shred sesh saturday am. we over slept until 730 (naturally) and had to figure out where was holding the astronomical 6.98' high tide. we opted for jalama. stoked we did. here's seahorse, washing off all that ash that collected on his wetsuit the night before.
So, i was in the middle of taking a bong toke and watching Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia- and my power suddenly went out. i walked outside for some reason (and i honestly can not remember why, cause i was/am high) and saw this...

these are the hills of Montecito- 5 miles north of downtown SB, and my humble abode. i shot this atop my carport roof, these flames are aprx. 20 ft. in height and are growing by the second. i came back inside, because the black smoke took over and there is no visability, the power came back on, and i wanted to show you that SB is going down fast right now. Westmont University is on fire, with students trapped inside the gym and they are currently attempting to evacuating by hellicopter. find it on the news somewhere... all the traffic lights are out, people can't drive, sirens, horns, hellicopters- it's fvcking madness dude.
i will update tomorrow.
i will update tomorrow.
Gato Heroi Hull
This thing is on loan from a friend. So far it is pretty rad. Douche and Turkey rode it and have given it a stamp of approval. We all agreed it was not an "everyday" board. It works well when it is down the line and speedy, like a point, what they were originally made for.
I snapped some crappy photos of the thing. I will post the dims later.
Gato Heroi



Hand drawn logo and dirty ass wax

Certificate of Authenticity
I snapped some crappy photos of the thing. I will post the dims later.
Gato Heroi



Hand drawn logo and dirty ass wax

Certificate of Authenticity

My buddy Eric sent me a flyer for this shingdig happening in Seal Beach this Saturday. The flyer says there will be beer, wine, and hobo stew among other things...so I would definitely go. If I didn't have to go back to San Diego.
Anyways, if your in the area. Stop by.
It is by Yucatan, so you could slam some pitchers, happy hour food, and meet the unofficial mayor of Seal Beach, Mr. Mark Burke. Winter is coming.
It is time to go Burke-zerk.
Anyways, if your in the area. Stop by.
It is by Yucatan, so you could slam some pitchers, happy hour food, and meet the unofficial mayor of Seal Beach, Mr. Mark Burke. Winter is coming.
It is time to go Burke-zerk.

E Sizzle
I went into Shelter the other day. Ran into Worm from Bang Bang Club.
We didn't get to talk for too long...my girlfriend (whom I love dearly) has about a 4 second attention fan when we go into surfshops, bookstores, Amoeba...stuff like that...she did get me a rad Pendleton afterwards though, so I'll call it even.
Anyways, the shop was lookin' pretty good.
They have some Eric Christenson's in. EC rules.
On a related EC note. DoucheMcgregor cut the pintail off his Daddy O and turned it into a square tail. It is now an 8'10" (photos soon)
Photos via Shelter via Shakas and Singlefins.
5'8" Yo Mobile

5'10" Phantom of the Agua

I will hopefully be ordering some new EC sleds soon. One problem. I gotta sell some to buy some. : (
We didn't get to talk for too long...my girlfriend (whom I love dearly) has about a 4 second attention fan when we go into surfshops, bookstores, Amoeba...stuff like that...she did get me a rad Pendleton afterwards though, so I'll call it even.
Anyways, the shop was lookin' pretty good.
They have some Eric Christenson's in. EC rules.
On a related EC note. DoucheMcgregor cut the pintail off his Daddy O and turned it into a square tail. It is now an 8'10" (photos soon)
Photos via Shelter via Shakas and Singlefins.
5'8" Yo Mobile

5'10" Phantom of the Agua

I will hopefully be ordering some new EC sleds soon. One problem. I gotta sell some to buy some. : (
Just got back into town with Douche McGregor. Been in San Diego since Sunday.
Svrfed (Ocean Beach and Gnardiff). Chilled. Worked. Spread Svrfandestroy business cards around like they were wildfire. Saw Role Models. Drank beers. Ate a lot.
Chilled with this dude a lot, Andy B. I don't really know how to describe him without writing a paragraph.
Here is the condensed version: He is down as fuck.
Take a gander.
Svrfed (Ocean Beach and Gnardiff). Chilled. Worked. Spread Svrfandestroy business cards around like they were wildfire. Saw Role Models. Drank beers. Ate a lot.
Chilled with this dude a lot, Andy B. I don't really know how to describe him without writing a paragraph.
Here is the condensed version: He is down as fuck.
Take a gander.
Garbage Man
Hasn't been a post in a few days, heres a rockin' Cramps video to hold you over. Hail Satan.

1. surfboards (especially the 'plastic fantastic') were the biggest way of shipping drugs in the 60s/70s... so "ARE SURFBOARDS THE NEW DRUG MULE" - answer: um no guy, this has been occurring for over 30 years now.
2. 36lbs and only worth $30k?! dude, that can hardly be considered herb. it usually sells for a street value of $2500/lb- and that's for total absolute shit... now, imagine a pound that costs $830...you'd honestly be better smoking dirt, or something free.
Lost and Found
I was checking Surfline this morning....look how stupid people are. Losing all sorts of shit at the beach: wetsuits, wedding rings, cameras, water housings...all sorts of shit at the beach. Damn. No wonder all those weird dudes are out there with metal detectors. We are surrounded by idiots. A backpack full of wetsuits?!? C'mon man! Watch your shit!
DoucheMcGregor and I got our backpacks stolen from Seal while we were bodysurfing once when we were like 12 years old and our mom's had to drop us off at the beach for the day. So we had no choice to take backpacks with us and leave them on the beach...but a wedding ring?!? It takes a grown ass man to lose a wedding ring. Homeboy's in serious some shit with the old lady.
Taken from Surfline:
LOST AND FOUND - Did you lose your board or gear? Submit date, time place and 5 word description and we'll post it in Local Knowledge.
Lost: Did you lose your wedding ring @ Doheny? Describe and it is yours again. Luckyyouitisme@Yahoo.com
Found: fullsuit + booties and one mystery item at Sano 8/28/08 hanging on palm tree by 4 doors. email with type of wetsuit + booties+ size and mystery item and will arrange pickup. srn2008srn@yahoo.com
Stolen: Dakine green/white plaid surf backback. Inside were my keys, 2 cell phones, 2 mil black Hurley top, turqouise/white rashguard , a few bikini tops, 2 pairs of board shorts, and other equipment. On Saturday 11/1, 11am, 40th lifeguard stand at Newport. Please email (mcdana22)@hotmail.com) or call (917.502.4234) Dana with any info. Restore your karma, and at least give me my bikini tops back. Thanks... (at least I was wearing my wetsuit, huh?)
Lost: hurley 2 mil top black, and my girlfriends oneil 2 mil spring suit. I don't care about my top but that suit was the last thing given to her by her dad before he passed away a couple of months ago. Major sentimental value. Her suit had long sleeves and short legs mainly black with white and light purple. Lost it leaving Old Man's then headed 5 N. Call 714-366-3648
Stolen: o’neill wetsuit 4/3 off balcony in dana point. return to same balcony to straighten out karma.
Lost: wedding ring at Salt Creek. Call (949)636-7652. Please contact me and I will identify. Thanks.
LOST: 6'0 Fury Surf Surfboard and Board Bag off Niguel Road near Salt Creek on Thursday afternoon 10/23/08.
Lost: wetsuit at san onofre state beach oct. 20 5pm. black/green o'neil ?epic. please email to: g.aichinger@gmail.com or call 619-888-0193. ?thanks!?left it on top of car, might have dropped down at the parking lot or ?on the way to freeway.
Lost: Cannon Digital Camera w hard water housing. between dogpatch and old mans 562.233.7450 REWARD
Lost: Canon Digital camera at Salt Creek parking lot on Friday 10/17/2008, please call 512-762-4332
Lost: Nikon point-n-shoot Camera in Waterproof bag?at San Onofre Surf Beach, near showers?on 10/16/08, noon. Please Call 406.671.2177 - Reward
Left: 1 child's O'Neill bootie at surf rack past 4 doors at San O on Monday, 10/6. If found, please call 951-533-4413. Thanks!
Lost: my keys at Trestles on the street in front of the parking lot. If found, please call (714) 404-1740.
Lost: a backpack full of wetsuits (3) [front zip rip curl (L), Back zip rip curl (m), Back zip Oneill (L) on 10/11/2008. It was left outside the Trestles parking lot. Call 714/394/9984 or email danielrmayers@gmail.com.
Stolen: in Anaheim, Calif. , surfboard, “Players/Puerto Rico" logo. "green/yellow" color," reward", call 714-262-3979
Stolen: Mon Sept 22, San Onofre. Brown mens' Oakley sunglasses. Taken
early morn by two guys, from the top of white Toyota truck. email: akire64@yahoo.com if you want straighten out your karma.
Found: a boogie board at 17th and PCH. Call Jim at 714-803-8073 and give ] color. It just seems like a kid¹s and he/she might need it.
FOUND: Wetsuit, Saturday 9-27-08 Sunset Beach. Want to find owner. Call with Description 562-716-3570
Stolen: standup board from San Clemente the week of September 8th. It is an Infinity 10'6" SUP board. The bottom is green camo and it has a green camo deck pad. It has a repaired ding in the nose. Contact # is 949-370-9907
Lost: Very Sentimental jewlery (bracelet/necklace/ring) at uppers trestles 8/26. please contact iwanttosurf@cox.net. Thank You!
DoucheMcGregor and I got our backpacks stolen from Seal while we were bodysurfing once when we were like 12 years old and our mom's had to drop us off at the beach for the day. So we had no choice to take backpacks with us and leave them on the beach...but a wedding ring?!? It takes a grown ass man to lose a wedding ring. Homeboy's in serious some shit with the old lady.
Taken from Surfline:
LOST AND FOUND - Did you lose your board or gear? Submit date, time place and 5 word description and we'll post it in Local Knowledge.
Lost: Did you lose your wedding ring @ Doheny? Describe and it is yours again. Luckyyouitisme@Yahoo.com
Found: fullsuit + booties and one mystery item at Sano 8/28/08 hanging on palm tree by 4 doors. email with type of wetsuit + booties+ size and mystery item and will arrange pickup. srn2008srn@yahoo.com
Stolen: Dakine green/white plaid surf backback. Inside were my keys, 2 cell phones, 2 mil black Hurley top, turqouise/white rashguard , a few bikini tops, 2 pairs of board shorts, and other equipment. On Saturday 11/1, 11am, 40th lifeguard stand at Newport. Please email (mcdana22)@hotmail.com) or call (917.502.4234) Dana with any info. Restore your karma, and at least give me my bikini tops back. Thanks... (at least I was wearing my wetsuit, huh?)
Lost: hurley 2 mil top black, and my girlfriends oneil 2 mil spring suit. I don't care about my top but that suit was the last thing given to her by her dad before he passed away a couple of months ago. Major sentimental value. Her suit had long sleeves and short legs mainly black with white and light purple. Lost it leaving Old Man's then headed 5 N. Call 714-366-3648
Stolen: o’neill wetsuit 4/3 off balcony in dana point. return to same balcony to straighten out karma.
Lost: wedding ring at Salt Creek. Call (949)636-7652. Please contact me and I will identify. Thanks.
LOST: 6'0 Fury Surf Surfboard and Board Bag off Niguel Road near Salt Creek on Thursday afternoon 10/23/08.
Lost: wetsuit at san onofre state beach oct. 20 5pm. black/green o'neil ?epic. please email to: g.aichinger@gmail.com or call 619-888-0193. ?thanks!?left it on top of car, might have dropped down at the parking lot or ?on the way to freeway.
Lost: Cannon Digital Camera w hard water housing. between dogpatch and old mans 562.233.7450 REWARD
Lost: Canon Digital camera at Salt Creek parking lot on Friday 10/17/2008, please call 512-762-4332
Lost: Nikon point-n-shoot Camera in Waterproof bag?at San Onofre Surf Beach, near showers?on 10/16/08, noon. Please Call 406.671.2177 - Reward
Left: 1 child's O'Neill bootie at surf rack past 4 doors at San O on Monday, 10/6. If found, please call 951-533-4413. Thanks!
Lost: my keys at Trestles on the street in front of the parking lot. If found, please call (714) 404-1740.
Lost: a backpack full of wetsuits (3) [front zip rip curl (L), Back zip rip curl (m), Back zip Oneill (L) on 10/11/2008. It was left outside the Trestles parking lot. Call 714/394/9984 or email danielrmayers@gmail.com.
Stolen: in Anaheim, Calif. , surfboard, “Players/Puerto Rico" logo. "green/yellow" color," reward", call 714-262-3979
Stolen: Mon Sept 22, San Onofre. Brown mens' Oakley sunglasses. Taken
early morn by two guys, from the top of white Toyota truck. email: akire64@yahoo.com if you want straighten out your karma.
Found: a boogie board at 17th and PCH. Call Jim at 714-803-8073 and give ] color. It just seems like a kid¹s and he/she might need it.
FOUND: Wetsuit, Saturday 9-27-08 Sunset Beach. Want to find owner. Call with Description 562-716-3570
Stolen: standup board from San Clemente the week of September 8th. It is an Infinity 10'6" SUP board. The bottom is green camo and it has a green camo deck pad. It has a repaired ding in the nose. Contact # is 949-370-9907
Lost: Very Sentimental jewlery (bracelet/necklace/ring) at uppers trestles 8/26. please contact iwanttosurf@cox.net. Thank You!
Sole Svrfing
Our friend Cyrus Sutton sent us the invite to the Tom's Sole Surfing Art Show. DoucheMcgregor really wants to go because it is on Abbot Kinney in Venice Beach...which happens to be the street we lived on 2 or 3 years ago. The first places we used our fake IDs are on that street Rooster Fish (we didn't know it was a gay bar), The Brig, the liquor store across the street from Abbot's Habit, and the Wabi-Sabi Sushi Bar.
Many nights of mischief went down while we lived there. Burnt couches, parties, angry neighbors, broken windshields, barf...lots of barf, 3am surf seshs, Mortal Kombat, Seamen parties, watermelons injected with vodka...you get the gist.
So do yourself a favor go down to this event tonight. Check it out...Leave...beeline straight for one of the many bars on the street, and do what the ol' svrfandestroy boys used to do. Drink. Get Drunk. Barf...and end up surfing Venice breakwater at 3am. Wake up in your underwear and go to Beach Hut for a Loco Moco (white rice, hamburger patty, over-easy eggs, and gravy...lots of gravy.) Rinse. Repeat.
Many nights of mischief went down while we lived there. Burnt couches, parties, angry neighbors, broken windshields, barf...lots of barf, 3am surf seshs, Mortal Kombat, Seamen parties, watermelons injected with vodka...you get the gist.
So do yourself a favor go down to this event tonight. Check it out...Leave...beeline straight for one of the many bars on the street, and do what the ol' svrfandestroy boys used to do. Drink. Get Drunk. Barf...and end up surfing Venice breakwater at 3am. Wake up in your underwear and go to Beach Hut for a Loco Moco (white rice, hamburger patty, over-easy eggs, and gravy...lots of gravy.) Rinse. Repeat.

Some Quality Literature

I don't think there has been much book talk here at Svrf & Destroy, so here goes. Every so often when I need a break from my 19th century Gothic Literature I go out and pick up something a little silly, because we could all use a few belly laughs now and again. I recently purchased comedian Jim Norton's latest book of essays entitled I Hate Your Guts, the follow up to his previous book Happy Endings. Now this book is not for the faint of heart, Lil Jimmy spares no one, launching written assaults on everyone from Heather Mills to Hilary Clinton and the New York Yankees, but most of all himself.
Some of the essays included are "People I Wanted to Kill on Sight (parts I-III)," "The i-Sound Like Shit Phone," and "Elliot Spitzer: Welcome to My World." I'm about half way through it and I must say it's a real rip-snorter, makes for excellent reading material while servicing the bowl. I highly recommend picking up a copy for you or a loved one. But like I said, definitely not a book for one who is offended by humor. If you are offended by humor you can keep it to yourself, or like my boy Jimmy says "Die in a fire on Christmas morning." That is all. Svrf. Destory.

"noseride, cross step, turn & develop style like the pros!"
no, no, no, no, NO. what the fuck IS THIS?! click here for video, & to witness the new low we have reached. as for me & my style development, i'll just stick to pillows on my bed- i bet there's less pressure dings..
no, no, no, no, NO. what the fuck IS THIS?! click here for video, & to witness the new low we have reached. as for me & my style development, i'll just stick to pillows on my bed- i bet there's less pressure dings..
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