
Bateman Goes Off

Wow this is too good not to post. I just stumbled across this audio clip of Christian Bale freaking out on a director of photography on the set of the new Terminator flick. If you're peepin this from work you may wanna plug in those headphones.Listen here or here. Enjoy!


Mug Mug Mug said...

I heard this today (before i saw it on here), boy was he mad!

Danimal said...

Nothin' wrong with a little passion for acting.

Mug Mug Mug said...

I also like how the tags are "angry, really angry"

KL said...

dang! mug mug mug beat me to it! i was just going to say how i dug the angry, then really angry tag.


Witton said...

I hope that after all that, the scene will be cut from the final edit. Then there really will be tears. Boo Hoo.

murdercity said...

haha... talk about staying in character...gnar ass!

murdercity said...

haha... talk about staying in character...gnar ass!