
RT is at it again...

RT over at Warbles had this posted up today...

I don't think he wears tight pants, but I do know he shreds and his beard is lumberjack status.


Can Kicker said...

I don't get it? Did Kopps do that? Are those hulls?
Why does it all have to be so complicated?

KL said...


Who's Your Daddy said...

LOL. Thanks for the traffic.

PS. Janitors are a plague...much worse than the emo youths.

murdercity said...

haha fuck ya!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the man tits are classic

Almond Surfboards & Designs said...

hahaha, i love it.

p.s. i sun tan in a turtleneck sweater.

Greg Landers said...

Sea Janitors!

Can Kicker said...
