

Camped at Gnardiff this weekend with a few friends. Drank all night, surfed and drank all day.

Brought my 10'6" and slid a shit load of peelers. I couldn't have brought a better board. Glassy, small, peeling...


Hide you beers and daughters, Douche is in town.


KL said...

easily- the very best picture of 2009.

this needs to be our header a s a p !

dude.economy said...

fuck allll yalll . . . needs to happen again real soon

JP from Surfy Surfy said...

Give me a heads up next time. I surf there a couple times a week. I'm trying to run-over/snake/collide-with/shoot-my-board-at as many surf bloggers as possible.

Anonymous said...

that wetsuit looks mighty fine!!!

ion dissonance said...

so does my beer gut!!!