I am a pretty big fan of the entire Fletcher clan. Here is a video of Nathan that was posted up on the erBB.
Blah, blah, blah. Say what you want about "style," "flow," whatever. He doesn't surf like the rest of the clones out there.
The last wave was just plain nasty. He is ejected out of that last barrel, look at the spray that comes off of his body as he hits the water....I can see why he snapped his femur at pipe.
I would liken it to watching a cave man surf. Big ass barrels. Stomping the fuck out of some airs. Man hacks. Wide ass stance. Neon boards. Astrodeck. Raw fuckin' power, man.
I dig.
Edit. I was gonna post the video but it doesn't fit on the page and it plays automatically every time the page is opened. Check the link.
Here is his interview with Stab.
"How was Bali?
Insane, till I got home. I’m still shitting yellow."
So, it was a bit of a let down, not being able to see the video and all... but whatever. It won't let me comment on the post a couple of spaces down so I did it here. Were you riding a little quad that (b&w photo)day? Just wondering...
if youre asking me- no, a hull. if you're asking danimal- he was south.
...south of heaven
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