
Jocks Surf Too

One time, Douche and I were surfing the pier. Summer time, we were going to be freshman or sophomores in high school. Uncrowded peelers. Lo and behold, the entire squadron of Jr. Lifeguards paddle out on soft tops. Douche and I were doing our best to burn, run over, and ruin as many of their days as possible.

Some kid burns Douche, he catches up to him, gives him a solid chest shove off his board. Once off his board, Douche shoves the kids board into the next wave, sending it in and tells the kid, "Beat it."

The kid says, "Hey! I surf too!"

Apparently emos, jocks, jr. lifeguards, and a whole slew of people surf. Linebackers included.

Does it make you lame if your trunks are tight because your tree trunk thighs won't fit in them? Who am I to judge?

I'm not really sure where this post is going, but I will tell you that I am currently listening to "Briefcase Full of Guts" by Dethklok on the Dethalbum.

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