I loved this article... until I tried to read it. What the fuck is with everyone and this horribly oblique but clearly contrived writing style that does nothing but stink of smugness and Thomas Campbell imitation? I'm surprised it wasn't suggested that we go find a nasal passage to slide with our piggys over, or something like that, which would apply to riding a hull. Thomas talks funny. YOU DON"T HAVE TO.
Is writing about possums and crossing out half the article really that ironic? Nice touch from the author blacking out his/her own name as well (I wouldn't claim it either)
Ok OK I get it. You’re weird and highly eccentric like Greenough. Mission Accomplished. Now kindly fuck off.
positive note- photos=bitchin
dude is overly obsessed with krajewski. it kinda freaks me out...
the layout is incredible though.
the black bars fucking killed my high, and made me drop the mag.
Exactly. When I read it I was like.
"Fuck this black bar. I want to know what this word is."
Photos and layout were indeed radical. Written content. Not so much. I get it. But I also want to read it.
graphic design = good. writing = CRAP! errrr we want to be different, yeah i get it. say it with real words. kerouac, dylan...
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