I moved into a new pad and I don't have room for this thing any more.
10'6" x 23.25" x 3.25" (I think) Eric Christenson Pelican (Quad)
Triple stringer, Royal Blue/Navy tint, gloss/polish, glass in fins, deck/tail patch. In super good condition (minor pressure dings and 1 encounter with the rocks at San-O).
Asking $600, paid damn near $1000 for it new, Come with a day bag.
Paddles well and is super fun for small, lined up, peelers. I had one day at micro Cardiff that was particularly memorable.
It is currently at Katin Surf Shop if you want to take a look.
For every kook that comes to surf seal when scumington is too wallled, svrf and destroy is going to off a bunny. You want that on your conscious? Do ya kook?
Ohh P.S. the S&D movie is going to have epic mammoth footy from an upcoming trip in March.
S&D fan Dustin sent this gem to our inbox this morning. I need to figure out how to make this the alarm sound on my phone to rise at dawn for slashing.
I ordered these records in November and they didn't show up until today. I had more or less forgotten about them so seeing them on my doorstep today was quite a pleasant surprise.
I got Virgin Witch's self titled 7" and the Cracked Pelvis ep from Mature Situations. Mature Situations is a shitty punk band and the Virgin Witch 7" is kinda sludgy and evil. They're both out on free cake records which has a pretty killer media library worth checkin out: http://www.freecakefreecake.com/main.php?p=media. The Surroundings album on there sounds choice and I'll be ordering it shortly.
On a related note I somehow managed to slip out of Amoeba the other day with two of my favorite records for under $20. Tom Waits' Nighthawks at the Diner and Billy Bragg's Workers Playtime, shit yeah for me.
My buddy Jason and some of his friends up in San Francisco have been working with creator Brandon Fink on a series of skits and animations entitled FINKTOONS, here are two of my favorites:
Stumbled across this video via fellow b9er killedbydeath. I guess his buddies were stuck in Santa Cruz the other day after a surf and had to thumb it home 21st century style a la craigslist with some granola head, good on em for documenting it.
I think I have posted about this Onion-esque blog before: Inside the Goldmine. Anyways, epic post this week.
Legrope-Free Purist Slightly Less Smug After Fourth Swim To Beach.
Toonalook backbeach, January 18, 2010. – Local soul surfer Carl Reid's annoying air of superiority took a well-deserved setback today thanks to a number of tiring swims to retrieve his retro twin-fin fish.
Reid, 23, met two friends, John Mcphee and Wayne Tanner at Toonalook backbeach lookout at 3.00pm whereupon they agreed on a quick surf despite the marginal windswell on offer and rapidly dropping tide.
“We were getting changed and straight away Reidy was on our case for how lame we were for using a legrope on a two foot beachie.” recalls Tanner.
“Thing is, I kinda agree with him but there's something about the way smug prick comes over all fucken-holier-than-thou that makes me want to punch him in that goateed face of his.”
Reid, who adorns his boards with Sea Shepherd stickers, continued to lecture his friends about their 'infantile dependence' on the legrope as they made their way down to the water's edge.
Onlookers observed Reid’s legrope-free posturing and body language with distaste.
Bea Smith, 78, a long term Toonalook resident, walking her beagles along the beach at the time, commented to reporters. “Look at 'im, like a strutting peacock that boy is. Poser is what I reckon.”
Disdain soon turned to joy for the eyewitnesses as Reid lost his board four times in half an hour.
On each occasion he was forced to swim all the way to the beach.
“It was magic” claimed a clearly elated Mcphee, “the first time he swam in he was all like 'it's a good workout' and 'I'm feeling the flow' and stuff, but you could see him getting more and more pissed off. By the fourth swim he was fully losing his shit, swearing and carrying on.
“He'd be madly swimming after his board and every time he'd almost get to it, a little whitewater'd come through and take it out of his reach.”
Mcphee continued: “Kinda makes me believe that there might be some kind of karmic force behind the ways of the ocean after all., 'Cos anything that wipes that smug fucken I'm-more-in-tune-with-the-great-mysteries-of-the-ocean-than-you-look off his face has got to be good.”
Thanks for sharing this link in the comments section below Nigel. This is why technology is so damn rad. It used to be we wouldn't see these clips until the next Jason Baffa movie came out. Thank you youtube, and thank you all filmers.
Youtube gold? I feel slightly bad for this kid but this is too good not to post. I'd also like to throw out that this is two ranga related posts for me in a row and it is merely coincidental as I have no negative feelings towards them...
Nevadical just shared this with me. Check out this link to see some ultimate brutal revenge. Some Asian grom's sister ratted on him for having beer in his room and he got grounded for 3 months. Seeking revenge while searching her room, he stumbles upon her, hmm how do I say this, very detailed hook up list and uploads/tags it to facebook. Totally immature, totally awesome. Cheers Asian grom.
It has been a good week for receiving shit in the mail. I got my handplane from Brownfish on Saturday. I haven't used it yet, as I am trying to fend off a cold.
Anyways, check out his blog, as well as his handplane blog, Handplane Goodness. I'll throw the links in the list to the right.
It measures 15.5" x 7.5" x .5". I think it is Poplar wood. It has belly through the first 3" followed by a deep single concave through the moontail. Adjustable velcro handstrap with neoprene sleeve and padding. Naturally, I had him stain it in Dodger blue.
Full review to follow once I get wet with it. My crappy photos don't do this thing justice. The photos are crooked, not the board.
We received our Wax Bvddies in mail yesterday. Needless to say, psyched! Cleaning boards, scraping dingleberries, or racking lines...I'm gonna use it for everything!
I recently saw a preview for a movie called “Hot Tub Time Machine” where said hot tub transports people back in time! Little known fact is that this movie is based on actual events. Shortly after finishing their debut album “all hour cymbals” the dudes in Yeasayer were partying in a certain New York socialites plush Manhattan apartment. Cristal was flowing like nectar from the heavens, the sweet smell of cannabis permeated the crisp air of aristocracy, and word on the street is someone dosed the caviar with LSD. Sometime around 4:00 am the boys in Yeasayer found themselves in the magical hot tub with a plethora of swarthy naked Brazilian models. After a night of debauchery the band woke up disoriented and hung over to find themselves in the apartment of Gordon Gekko, in 1987! The band, never a group to waste time, immediately headed to the studio to write their new album which was slated to be the soundtrack for “Weekend at Bernie’s”. Unfortunately, the album’s big screen debut never came to fruition due to a tear in the space time continuum and instead came out in 2010 after the LSD had finally worn off.
Our good pal Stephen slays guitars and knows his tunes. He currently hails from somewhere in the bowels of San Diego.
He will be sending in music commentary/reviews every now and then. Hopefully he will turn you on to some solid tunes or in the very least, insult a band you like and hurt your feelings.
A sea shepherd vessel was sunk today by a Japanese ship it was harassing. Sunk the fuck out.
Just listen to whoever the dipshit filming is and you'll have a clear understanding of how idiotic these drains are. At 15' sec mark he's pumped. Pure fright in his voice at the 18'sec mark. Everyones thinking it, I'm going to say it. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
There's decades worth of this shit floating around, here's a couple good ones. --
Watson tells Animal Rights 2002 Conference in Washington DC that if a person dies from one of his actions, he would consider it “collateral damage”. He believes it is not possible to “commit violence against non-sentient objects. Property damage is not violence.”
-1993: Paul Watson orders the crew on board the Sea Shepherd vessel “Edward Abbey” (formerly US Navy) to open cannon fire at a Japanese fishing vessel. Sea Shepherd crew do not carry out the order, but instead fire a shot across the bow of the Japanese vessel. The Japanese vessel does not stop. (Recorded by Yorkshire Television Documentary “Defenders of the Wild – Ocean Rider”.)
1991: A US crew member on a Mexican fishing vessel, reports that Sea Shepherd, some of whose crew were armed with rifles, rammed his vessel causing considerable damage.
1991: Scott Trimmingham, president of Sea Shepherd quits in protest. “We had rules about not hurting anyone, about not using weapons. I left because those rules and that philosophy seems to be changing.” Outside magazine (Sept. 1991). Paul Watson admits there are arms on board “Sea Shepherd”. “We confront dangerous people. As the captain, it is my responsibility to protect the lives of my crew ... Therefore, I have prepared myself for the possibility of defending my crew in a situation that could go never occur, but if it does I will use firearms to first intimidate and then to defend,” Watson tells the Los Angeles Free Weekly (April 24, 1992).
A toast for 2010, get your champagne flute ready...
Here is to more kooks in the water than '09...we are utterly and miserably powerless against them...because each and every one of us is a one in our own right.