"I still can't send word files because my pirated copy is fucked so hopefully this is cool."
High on Fire
“Snakes for the Divine”
Out now on E1 music
Yeah this album is fucking great and no one can argue against it. What needs to be addressed here is the level of awesomeness front man Matt Pike has achieved.
Let’s run through the list: practically invented doom metal in Sleep, spent their entire major label recording budget on drugs, subsequently wrote the hour long stoner epic Jeruselem in one sitting on shrooms, started High on fire, put out 5 awesome thrash/sludge albums, never sold out, never slowed down… the list goes on.
Usually when metal dudes get to be dad age, every year after 30 adds an exponential amount of suck I.e. the balding/long hair combo, need to wear outdated attire of their glory days, becoming a fencing enthusiast (WTF Bruce Dickinson!). Pike is now 37 and better then ever. The solos are face melting, the low end is as heavy as tyrannosaurus cock, and the vocals are so demonically hoarse they would make Anton LaVey shit his pants. It all goes to show that Pike is a fucking shred mutant, impervious to the slow bleed of getting old, and invincible against 20 years of hardcore drug use (have you seen his tweaker teeth? Oh and the band is called High on Fire…not so subtle when you think about it huh?)
The only human who can top Matt Pike in doing all things awesome is Lemmy and for those who say he is just a Lemmy rip off/copycat fuck you, if you live in a world where being like Lemmy is a bad thing then I hope you die in some horrific “se7en” type shit.
If Lemmy is God then Matt Pike is Jesus Christ.

Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
"if you live in a world where being like Lemmy is a bad thing then I hope you die in some horrific “se7en” type shit. "
awesome. totally awesome.
Stephen for President.
Church of Stephen.
A t-shirt of either/both coming to a Condom Revolution near you.
check the shirt in the video talking about the drug references in Jazz the Glass
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