
Imitation is the highest form of flattery?

What cosmic timing you have Masa Tom has with your post on "surf art". Lightner, when he was posting with us on Svrf andDestroy brought this up before too and seriously bummed out a ton of people (totally awesome) and now once again, I must supplement.

++So two days ago I'm walking by the flyers table near the entry way of Kanvas by Katin and spot this. . .

Ohh cool some Ando and Friends flyers is what I immediately thought.++

NOPE!. Just another fucking Andy Davis rip off named John Culqui. I read his bio and can assure you this John Culqui is not Andy's conjoined twin, but IS a total Durp. And I must say, this is a gnarrrrly rip off. The little byrd shaped thingys behind the guy perched on the nose? Get the fuck outta here man.

I don't know Andy Davis or anything, but I guess this type of shit bothers me because I was such a fan of his FREE brand 10 years ago. Check out this shirt I still have from when I was 14. . .
and now some kook, who is just one on a long list of ripper offers, is going to cash in selling rip off "art" at a yuppie gallery in South Coast plaza.
In closing, that old saying "imitation is the highest form of flattery" is to me a bunch of bullshit. Imitation breeds indifference and indifference is not at all flattering to the originator.
Humans fucking suck sometimes.


Anonymous said...


Reminiscent much?

KL said...

"humans suck sometimes" - best. ever.

TJ Ridings said...

I miss FREE. It made me feel closer to Joel.

Worm said...

whiny complainy lightbeer-esque rants are what make this blog eppic. that and post telling me what's going on with the norweigian deth metal scene

TJ Ridings said...

coors light fo life...

snoogins said...

ahem, it's black metal