The 'Mats just might be the greatest band ever. They got booted from SNL after this I don't know if it was for acting inappropriately back stage or the gitup that Bobby Stinson chose to wear.
I want to thank you for this post. in a round about way you got me hooked on The Replacements. already had Let It Be but it did not click until after you got me interested again. I just purchaced Tim on vinyl. I have a new found appreciation for the 80's post punk thing as a whole. Also picked up Husker Du's Zen Arcade. if you don't got it then i highly suggest you do. totally radical. thanks.
haha awesome! your welcome. love me some husker du, latley i've been into their later mellower sounding stuff (flip your wig/ candy apple grey) awesome stuff
That was sick. I only have Let It Be. I dig it. Which way should I go next?
Go with Tim, just as good as Let It Be if not a lil better I think.
actually I take that back, they cover "black diamond" on let it be, how could an an album get better than that? but Tim is still reaaaaly good
far out. way far out.
Rad song and "bitchen" album (Tim)!
I was 15 and plaed that record till it warped and scratched out. I remember staying up for the SNL show too. Those guys were pretty raw in the day..
Hell, man, get all of em before Don't Tell a Soul. Start at the beginning with Sorry Ma and keep going. You won't be sorry.
I want to thank you for this post. in a round about way you got me hooked on The Replacements. already had Let It Be but it did not click until after you got me interested again. I just purchaced Tim on vinyl. I have a new found appreciation for the 80's post punk thing as a whole. Also picked up Husker Du's Zen Arcade. if you don't got it then i highly suggest you do. totally radical. thanks.
massa tom
haha awesome! your welcome. love me some husker du, latley i've been into their later mellower sounding stuff (flip your wig/ candy apple grey) awesome stuff
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