higher better, shredder, stronger,,,
Durango Colorado... I mean, what else would you do besides elevate, and shred! My friend from highschool and allaround rad fucking dude Jeff Markman Showing you how to enjoy yourself and rip at the same time.
fast times at hot dog high
fast times at hot dog high
For all you cycling fans out there...
Here's some poor guy getting aced by one of New York's finest:
an article on the incident found here:
Officer is obviously in the wrong but must they take their little bike parade known as critical mass through the middle of times square?
an article on the incident found here:
Officer is obviously in the wrong but must they take their little bike parade known as critical mass through the middle of times square?
Video from Svrf&Destroy fiend Masa Tom. He shreds for Harbour Surfboards these days. Here is a video he made with Cyrus Sutton and Trevor Lucca.
Surf films,
We are now www.svrfandestroy.com
That's with a "v" and one "d"
Spread the word.
I used the "v" instead of a "u" for two reasons:
1. It looks rad.
2. This...
"Surf and Destroy Corp.
is a web design and development studio,
located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
committed to delivering accessible, usable and attractive interfaces."
Bitchin' huh?
Also, tee shirts are being printed this weekend. The shark logo didn't work out with all of the shading it had. So, I threw this together. I ordered two dozen. We'll see what happens.
That's with a "v" and one "d"
Spread the word.
I used the "v" instead of a "u" for two reasons:
1. It looks rad.
2. This...
"Surf and Destroy Corp.
is a web design and development studio,
located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,
committed to delivering accessible, usable and attractive interfaces."
Bitchin' huh?
Also, tee shirts are being printed this weekend. The shark logo didn't work out with all of the shading it had. So, I threw this together. I ordered two dozen. We'll see what happens.

Cyrus and TJ Shredding
My good buds from high school, Cyrus Sutton and TJ Ridings have been busy shredding their new Harbour Noseriders lately.
Some Japanese dude make silent films of them surfing. Pretty cool.
Here is the description of the video, "ハーバーサーフボード創立50周年を迎えるにあたってリリースさ れるノーズライダー。リッチ・ハー"
Translation: Get a Harbour Noserider...I actually plan on it. On January second I am going to order one, so I can get it with the 50 year anniversary logo. Tight.
Some Japanese dude make silent films of them surfing. Pretty cool.
Here is the description of the video, "ハーバーサーフボード創立50周年を迎えるにあたってリリースさ れるノーズライダー。リッチ・ハー"
Translation: Get a Harbour Noserider...I actually plan on it. On January second I am going to order one, so I can get it with the 50 year anniversary logo. Tight.
New Shred Sleds
Wear Sunscreen
That's it That's all Trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Video is coming out in August... Travis Rice has dedicated two years of his life for this film and the budget is extreme for a snowboard movie... watch the trailer it speaks for its self....ENJOY!
"Nobody Surfs forever" - The Bear

Found this little teaser from Jody Lemmon's surf movie entitled "Thrive" The Surf Movie.
Here's the link - http://www.amphibiousproductions.com/thrive_surf.html
Your gonna have to copy and paste that one because my safari is outdated and blogger is bein a tramp right now, but I swear it's worth it.
The dudes in this video were hands down the best surfers from north Orange County on longboards and I would argue the best in California for the time frame (mid 90's early, 2000's). Growing up these guys were about 5 or 6 years older than myself, Danimal, and our other log friends, so we kinda looked up to their surfin skills even though some of them were dicks to us. Greg Ervin, Cody Faircloth, and Matt Stuek were always my favorites to watch, sometimes I'd just sit on a fire pit at Bolsa and observe.
Anywho, I'm not entirley sure what these cats are up too, with the exception of Cyrus Sutton, who i think was the youngest bruce jones rider, and is obviously currently surfing insane and doing original higly skilled film stuff. Every once in awhile when i'm at Sano I see Faircloth riding some super old hansen 50/50 surfing better than anyone out in the line up and I'm pretty sure he's doing it piss drunk. I saw Matt Stuek at bolsa once last winter (still rips). Dave Roberts I heard lives in Hawaii, and Greg Ervin works at Bev Mo, but again that's only hearsay. To see these guys all out together at seal, taking over the pier like they used to do, would be an occasion I would drop whatever I was doin just to watch.
Svrf&Destroy posse just got back from the lake. Sore as hell. We ate a shitload of bbq and drank a shitload of beers. Maybe I'll post some photos later. Maybe not.
Daley has a new post on his blog: Bummer It's Daley.
He doesn't post too often, but when he does it is damn good.
Here is a picture of Tate's dog, from his blog, The Lazy Daze.
I can't remember the dog's name, but I do know it is a Golden Doodle.
Daley has a new post on his blog: Bummer It's Daley.
He doesn't post too often, but when he does it is damn good.
Here is a picture of Tate's dog, from his blog, The Lazy Daze.
I can't remember the dog's name, but I do know it is a Golden Doodle.

Kook Kord
Danimal and Douchemcgregor just purchased their tickets for Henry Rollins next spoken word tour. We will be in San Diego at 4th and B, on October 10th.
I saw him last year with my brother at the Silent Movie Theater in Hollywood. It ruled.
I would highly recommend Talk is Cheap Vol. I.
Visit his website, 21361
I saw him last year with my brother at the Silent Movie Theater in Hollywood. It ruled.
I would highly recommend Talk is Cheap Vol. I.
Visit his website, 21361

Here is a shot from awhile back that my old roommate Scott threw together. We had some friends that interned at TOMS and we wanted to see what we could come up for them.
We paddled out one overcast, cold, and crappy morning to figure out how to use his water camera. This is what we ended up with.
This never ran as an ad or anything but it was fun little side project...the shoes are cool for kicking it around the house and that's about it. Can't skate in them or anything.
I will stick to my Vans Old Skools, black, size 9.5 as my everyday shoe.
We paddled out one overcast, cold, and crappy morning to figure out how to use his water camera. This is what we ended up with.
This never ran as an ad or anything but it was fun little side project...the shoes are cool for kicking it around the house and that's about it. Can't skate in them or anything.
I will stick to my Vans Old Skools, black, size 9.5 as my everyday shoe.

"I'd rather smoke an atom bomb than listen to a Jack Johnson song"- Ozzie Wright

Summer time, single fins, kickin my shoes off, drinkin wine with the bros down at the beach, banana pancakes...sorry topics, but lyrically speaking, there's just no fucking room for you in my musical tastes.
Ahh that's more like it. A classic here with Converge's concubine/fault and fracture from what is argued by some to be their best album ever, "Jane Doe"
Homebrew Part II
So my Pale Ale is still in Primary fermentation. I took some hydrometer readings that past few days and I should be ready to rack it to secondary fermentation tomorrow.
In the meantime, I had the boys over to drink some beers so I could reuse them for my homebrew.
I soaked the bottles in warm water and ammonia to get the labels off easily. Bad call. Warm water and Simple Green next time.
I tasted the beer after I sampled it. I guess it is referred to as 'Green Beer' at this stage because it is not carbonated. It looked like a Hefeweizen, but tasted/smelled like the Pale Ale that it is. The cloudiness will go away with conditioning in secondary fermentation and bottle conditioning.
All is well thus far into the brewing. More updates to come.

This is a photo of my hydrometer reading. More photos to come. Blogger is being lame.
In the meantime, I had the boys over to drink some beers so I could reuse them for my homebrew.
I soaked the bottles in warm water and ammonia to get the labels off easily. Bad call. Warm water and Simple Green next time.
I tasted the beer after I sampled it. I guess it is referred to as 'Green Beer' at this stage because it is not carbonated. It looked like a Hefeweizen, but tasted/smelled like the Pale Ale that it is. The cloudiness will go away with conditioning in secondary fermentation and bottle conditioning.
All is well thus far into the brewing. More updates to come.
This is a photo of my hydrometer reading. More photos to come. Blogger is being lame.
2 Guys One Pole
Capt. Mouth and Poofy's post with the pole jam was kindly featured on the Vans blog.
Take a gander.
Off the Wall
Take a gander.
Off the Wall

"I Desire the end...I Desire the new Beggining...

Not a single day goes by that I don't think about Davis Miller. My friend Beau of Final Fight who was also a very good friend of Davis's took the words right out of my mouth with a bulletin he posted today. He shared a story about his daily smoke break down by the ocean and how he noticed about 15 dolphins swimming in the surf...riding waves. He thought that maybe davis had something to do with that beauty, and I often find myself noticing subtle things of beauty here and there, and feel the same way. Here are some lyrics Beau created in honor of Daivs for a new jam his band is recording right now. If you knew davis, or have read any LOFTUS, or Two Shamen lyrics that Davis wrote you'll see the connection.
daylight fading
setting sun in slow motion
dark waves breaking
this time in total silence
"the open ocean holds no mercy
ire vibes & circus scenes"
can you hear me? can you see me?
even down here on my knees
im getting cold
its getting dark
so glow for me
and trust the shark
storms approaching
take the ride
break on through to the other side
youve reached the stars
now shine on forever
your boat set sail to sea
now that youre gone
the music is over
we drown ourselves in whiskey dreams
drowning in memories
RIP...Break on Through and here's to your new beggining.
i have arrived. currently? ..i am high as balls & watching buttons slay life in stylemasters II.
Paging Mr. Lightner to the Courtesy Phone
You have been officially added to the blog.
Svrf & Destroy fiend club posse now a staggering 7 dudes strong.
You may know Mr. Lightner from his previous work on such blogs as Radballs and Kyle Lightner.com
Shit's tight.

That's Kyle, second from the right, answering nature's call with a shaka to boot.
Svrf & Destroy fiend club posse now a staggering 7 dudes strong.
You may know Mr. Lightner from his previous work on such blogs as Radballs and Kyle Lightner.com
Shit's tight.

That's Kyle, second from the right, answering nature's call with a shaka to boot.
Joel Tudor x Loomstate
Since I was a grom, Joel was always my favorite surfer. I felt like no one else's longboarding was any good in comparison to his. (I pretty much still feel that way, with the exception of the young crop of so cal dudes.) Yeah, dudes were doing gnarly shit like airs, huge gnar shacks, crazy kick fives, heels, and stuff...but it all looked whack to me. Joel had a certain flow and minimalism in the water.
Joel at Pipe? Fuck off. So tight.
Joel at Puerto Escondido in Siestas and Olas? Fuck off again. Cheater 5 in the death pit to boosting a little mini air on the inside on a 9'10" single fin. Yeah bro. Dig it.
Douche McGregor and I used to copy all of the Joel Tudor sections out of every longboard movie we could get our hands on. We ended up with a 6 hour Joel Tudor reel. It was like watching the highlights of every movie, without any of the crappy stuff.
My walls were covered in every picture and poster I could cut out of surf mags.
I have a stack of every Longboard Magazine issue I could get my hands on that has an interview or cover shot of him.
We would drive down to Donald Takayama's shop and drool over Flow Models...and by "drive down" I mean get our moms to drive us for the day. We would cruise down to Cardiff, Swamis, Malibu, Windansea, and all the places we would see him shred in the movies.
We actually got to ride our friend's dad's 10' Flow Model at Bolsa one day.
When Tudor surfboards started up, we about shit ourselves. Douchemcgregor got a 9'4 Diamond Tail Noserider, so did MasaTom. MasaTom also had a Good Karma model (that flew off the roof of his rig on the way home from shredding one night.) Then Douchemcgregor got another one of his single fins. We both have a few Tudor fins.
Fuck, this weird! Borderline stalker, I know.
Anyways, I thought I'd share some Joel Tudor x Loomstate radness I found on the interweb @ Harmony Amplifier.

Here is a clip from J. Brothers Longer. Get into it.
Joel at Pipe? Fuck off. So tight.
Joel at Puerto Escondido in Siestas and Olas? Fuck off again. Cheater 5 in the death pit to boosting a little mini air on the inside on a 9'10" single fin. Yeah bro. Dig it.
Douche McGregor and I used to copy all of the Joel Tudor sections out of every longboard movie we could get our hands on. We ended up with a 6 hour Joel Tudor reel. It was like watching the highlights of every movie, without any of the crappy stuff.
My walls were covered in every picture and poster I could cut out of surf mags.
I have a stack of every Longboard Magazine issue I could get my hands on that has an interview or cover shot of him.
We would drive down to Donald Takayama's shop and drool over Flow Models...and by "drive down" I mean get our moms to drive us for the day. We would cruise down to Cardiff, Swamis, Malibu, Windansea, and all the places we would see him shred in the movies.
We actually got to ride our friend's dad's 10' Flow Model at Bolsa one day.
When Tudor surfboards started up, we about shit ourselves. Douchemcgregor got a 9'4 Diamond Tail Noserider, so did MasaTom. MasaTom also had a Good Karma model (that flew off the roof of his rig on the way home from shredding one night.) Then Douchemcgregor got another one of his single fins. We both have a few Tudor fins.
Fuck, this weird! Borderline stalker, I know.
Anyways, I thought I'd share some Joel Tudor x Loomstate radness I found on the interweb @ Harmony Amplifier.

Here is a clip from J. Brothers Longer. Get into it.
Svrf & Destroy Fiend Club Continues to Grow
Loftus @ Chain Reaction 2005
Loftus w/ Davis Miller (RIP) on Vocals. We love you dude.
I had to brush the dust off of this one. The sound is terrible at this place, but they are going for it regardless. My best friends.

From SmartPunk
Hugs And Drugs (Monarchy Music)
The debut from Seal Beach, California's, Loftus. Prepare for an orgasm in your ears as Loftus brings you a blend of noise and harmony that can only be described as organized chaos.For fans of Daughters, The Locust and Converge.
Loftus w/ Davis Miller (RIP) on Vocals. We love you dude.
I had to brush the dust off of this one. The sound is terrible at this place, but they are going for it regardless. My best friends.

From SmartPunk
Hugs And Drugs (Monarchy Music)
The debut from Seal Beach, California's, Loftus. Prepare for an orgasm in your ears as Loftus brings you a blend of noise and harmony that can only be described as organized chaos.For fans of Daughters, The Locust and Converge.
Hwy 14...
Kid's Menu
Brew #1
On Saturday I brewed my first batch of beer. I opted for a Pale Ale and hopefully everything continues to go smoothly. The whole process took about 4.5 hours from start to finish.
Here are a couple of photos I snapped. It was my first brew so I didn't want to mess around with taking pictures and chance messing something up.
My brew will be in primary fermentation for about a week, then secondary fermentation, then bottle conditioning. So in about a month I will be sipping on some quality homemade brew.
Here are a couple of photos I snapped. It was my first brew so I didn't want to mess around with taking pictures and chance messing something up.
My brew will be in primary fermentation for about a week, then secondary fermentation, then bottle conditioning. So in about a month I will be sipping on some quality homemade brew.
yesterday with nothing to do, me and my pal adam decided that with the lack of pole jams around our area, why not just make our own. we used a hacksaw to chop a pole from a construction chain link fence and went to this park that has holes in the ground for tennis courts and kicked the pole with the result of a homemade pole jam, endless hours of hassle free skating, and a couple pretty funny polaroids. enjoy me riding adams pole.

Svrf & Destroy T-shirts
Is any body interested?
I have been wanting to get some made for a long while now...but I suck at drawing, illustrator, and photoshop. Not a good combo. But! I have a dude at work that will print 'em real cheap like.
So. What I'm askin' for is some help designing a shirt. If you have anything email it to me in eps format. That's what Ari needs to make it into a screen.
I don't want to sell them or anything, I just want to give them to good people. I will try and pool some cheese together from the Svrf and Destroy posse to fund this venture. I will then mail out free t-shirts to as many people as possible...for free.
If I don't get any suggestions, they will probably look like this...wait a sec...that's kinda what I want them to look like!
I have been wanting to get some made for a long while now...but I suck at drawing, illustrator, and photoshop. Not a good combo. But! I have a dude at work that will print 'em real cheap like.
So. What I'm askin' for is some help designing a shirt. If you have anything email it to me in eps format. That's what Ari needs to make it into a screen.
I don't want to sell them or anything, I just want to give them to good people. I will try and pool some cheese together from the Svrf and Destroy posse to fund this venture. I will then mail out free t-shirts to as many people as possible...for free.
If I don't get any suggestions, they will probably look like this...wait a sec...that's kinda what I want them to look like!
Do Not Pass Go - Do Not Collect $200
My friend Kyle of Radballs and KyleLightnerPhotoBlog went to jail the other night...read the full story here...
Do Not Pass Go - Do Not Collect $200
This isn't his mug shot, but that is his plastic baggie of possessions straight outta' the big house. I hate laughing at other people's misfortunes, but this was pretty funny - "MR. LIGHTNER, YOU’RE UNDER ARREST."
Do Not Pass Go - Do Not Collect $200
This isn't his mug shot, but that is his plastic baggie of possessions straight outta' the big house. I hate laughing at other people's misfortunes, but this was pretty funny - "MR. LIGHTNER, YOU’RE UNDER ARREST."

Under the Sun Blog
I found Cyrus' UTS blog. Take a gander.
Under the Sun.
Photo: Matt Lyons (poached from the UTS blog)
Let this video by Cyrus trip you out. It's rad.
Making Of... Pt. 2
Under the Sun.

Photo: Matt Lyons (poached from the UTS blog)
Let this video by Cyrus trip you out. It's rad.
Making Of... Pt. 2
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