Buzz Kill
So today while I was enjoying myself at the cliffs some crack head broke into my car and stole my ipod. credit card, 6 dollars from my wallet, and $1 from a friends wallet. Oddly enough the juggalos (this broad literally had an ICP shirt on with died green hair and was missing some teeth most likely due a diet saturated in Faygo) in the parking lot I was kinda sketched out on and eyeing while hiding my key ( I know, big mistake at the cliffs) where the ones who waved me in from the water and informed me of the ordeal. They even showed me a picture they snagged of the bastard leaving my car. I guess it could have been worse, I had the 7"0 mini pelican (most excellent surf craft ever created) in the car and would have been devastated if that was missing. I can do with a stolen ipod and 80 gigs of music gone. In the meantime I drowned my sorrows in a 12 pack of hieneken and burned some cds till I have enough for a new pod, these are two get me through till I can afford one (shouldn't be too long as I plan on winning big money this weekend at danimals bachelor party in vegas).
Lock your shit up tight people!
I had to go to the La Brea tar pits for school today and swung by Amoeba on the way home for a trade in. I was able to snag October File, Creedence Chronicle, "if'n", and "Ragin', Full-On".

I was pleasantly surprised to see the note from John Fogerty to Watt on the bottom of "if'n" (sent to Watt after D. Boon passed).
I was pleasantly surprised to see the note from John Fogerty to Watt on the bottom of "if'n" (sent to Watt after D. Boon passed).
It's all so silly...
There isn't much to say. Donovan surfs like gangbusters. He is funny as shit. He even sounds like
he is fucking around during the voiceover for this ad. Really talented surfers seem to have a really
hard time with their creative endeavors outside of surfing. I love to surf. I love music. But I don't
want to wear a shirt with fins and guitars on it. His music is very mediocre acoustic pop. Yes, it is
catchy. But thats about it.
banana joe defends jesse james
Benny Biggler's good pal Joe was recently caught on access Hollywood defending sunset local Jesse James after his scandal broke. There was no embed but check out the link if you wanna laugh your ass off
Joe told Benny he had just finished "smoking himself stupid" and walked to the gas station to grab a nanner. As he was cruising back he noticed the dozens of paps harassing James. They (James/bullock) happen to live next door to our friends and everyones pretty sick of the paparazzi bull shit. That's when Joe stepped in with the ultimate pap block. A banana.
This is surf related because Joe probably rips harder than you on one of his many lost shred sticks. And Benny throws the most bitchin 70's fun surf contest every summer complete with kegs in the sand. Check these shots of benny (top) and tim stamps (bottom) ripping on some singles. . .
Joe told Benny he had just finished "smoking himself stupid" and walked to the gas station to grab a nanner. As he was cruising back he noticed the dozens of paps harassing James. They (James/bullock) happen to live next door to our friends and everyones pretty sick of the paparazzi bull shit. That's when Joe stepped in with the ultimate pap block. A banana.
This is surf related because Joe probably rips harder than you on one of his many lost shred sticks. And Benny throws the most bitchin 70's fun surf contest every summer complete with kegs in the sand. Check these shots of benny (top) and tim stamps (bottom) ripping on some singles. . .

It Just Got Worse :(
A healthy mixture of Douche-fagery and DEVO lifting. There is even a big D on the kick drum. The Drums should start living up to their name and jam on bongos down at HB pier. Oh yeah, the whole "if you don't like, don't listen to it" philosophy is pissing me off. Like I have said before, I believe in right and wrong. This is wrong. Let it be known.
devo is the shit,
right and wrong,
the drums
Juuuuuuust threw up in my mouth a little bit
Look at this motherfucking bullshit.

The photos alone make angry. I haven't begun to even explain this dog shit to you.
During some interweb browsing I came across the ACL site. Pretty cool, uber hip, overpriced, stylin' type shit going on. The guy has a good eye for steeze and such, but that is besides the point.
Here goes.
First of all, I notice the article because it makes note of the NYC based "surf" shop, Saturdays, and Bunker Spreckles' name is in bold.
Attention has been caught.
Why would some apparel style blog be interested in anything surf?
Hmmm. Maybe they are reviewing the Bunker book from Taschen, vintage Art Brewer photos, who knows.
No. Absolutely not.
Taken from the post:
"The new California brand Riviera Club came together as three friends — Joe Sadler, Derek Buse and Greg Ullery — combined their individual strengths to create something new. The launch collection (which is seen in the images below) is inspired by the real life adventures of surfer and wayward rich-kid Bunker Spreckels and the company’s home base of Santa Barbara, California."
Some dork found a Bunker book on a coffee table and decided to bastardize his image into some Abercrombie-esque horse shit. If you read the comments, the first person said:
"Love the laid back, Cali vibe."
Yeah. Just puked on my keyboard. No big deal.
Cali is a word that belongs with hella, wicked, etc.
This is just the beginning...
It takes about 25 comments before any one with some real sense makes a comment:
"Bunker Spreckels wouldn’t caught dead in clothes like these. I don’t know how these guys can say their collection is “inspired” by Bunker’s life???? He dressed more like pimp from Oakland. Ridiculous, looks like just another jcrew style."
Thank you Karl Kronen, I owe you a beer for that.
A few more comments down and Art Brewer (whether or not it is really him, who knows) lays it down.
"After years of knowing traveling and photographing Bunker. I must say he would of never worn any of the clothing your showing here! nice try but no cigar. You missed the mark by 3 miles this is more BS…….art"

Be sure to check out the photo of the guy fondling the oranges, it is the worst one, I couldn't even bring myself to put it on the blog.
I think Peacefrog said it best...."Die Yuppie Scum."
Find your own own lifestyle to bastardize.

The photos alone make angry. I haven't begun to even explain this dog shit to you.
During some interweb browsing I came across the ACL site. Pretty cool, uber hip, overpriced, stylin' type shit going on. The guy has a good eye for steeze and such, but that is besides the point.
Here goes.
First of all, I notice the article because it makes note of the NYC based "surf" shop, Saturdays, and Bunker Spreckles' name is in bold.
Attention has been caught.
Why would some apparel style blog be interested in anything surf?
Hmmm. Maybe they are reviewing the Bunker book from Taschen, vintage Art Brewer photos, who knows.
No. Absolutely not.
Taken from the post:
"The new California brand Riviera Club came together as three friends — Joe Sadler, Derek Buse and Greg Ullery — combined their individual strengths to create something new. The launch collection (which is seen in the images below) is inspired by the real life adventures of surfer and wayward rich-kid Bunker Spreckels and the company’s home base of Santa Barbara, California."
Some dork found a Bunker book on a coffee table and decided to bastardize his image into some Abercrombie-esque horse shit. If you read the comments, the first person said:
"Love the laid back, Cali vibe."
Yeah. Just puked on my keyboard. No big deal.
Cali is a word that belongs with hella, wicked, etc.
This is just the beginning...
It takes about 25 comments before any one with some real sense makes a comment:
"Bunker Spreckels wouldn’t caught dead in clothes like these. I don’t know how these guys can say their collection is “inspired” by Bunker’s life???? He dressed more like pimp from Oakland. Ridiculous, looks like just another jcrew style."
Thank you Karl Kronen, I owe you a beer for that.
A few more comments down and Art Brewer (whether or not it is really him, who knows) lays it down.
"After years of knowing traveling and photographing Bunker. I must say he would of never worn any of the clothing your showing here! nice try but no cigar. You missed the mark by 3 miles this is more BS…….art"

Be sure to check out the photo of the guy fondling the oranges, it is the worst one, I couldn't even bring myself to put it on the blog.
I think Peacefrog said it best...."Die Yuppie Scum."
Find your own own lifestyle to bastardize.
Retired At 21
In My Head was in heavy rotation all day today, probably will be tomorrow as well. The more I immerse myself into their last two albums the more I love them.
here's an amusing comment from the youtube page:
I called my college radio station -- 91.7 FM, University of Connecticut -- and requested this song on my 21st birthday, March 5, 1990. They played it for me, too, but they played it at 45 speed and not 33! Ahhh, the good old days...Real records, real music!!!!!
here's an amusing comment from the youtube page:
I called my college radio station -- 91.7 FM, University of Connecticut -- and requested this song on my 21st birthday, March 5, 1990. They played it for me, too, but they played it at 45 speed and not 33! Ahhh, the good old days...Real records, real music!!!!!
Skate post
I have always been fond of many things that HBO does, they are really taking the cable following above and beyond and giving network television a run for it's money.
They have been stepping out of their usual format of movies and shows and are doing some really amazing projects lately!
This video is a twenty minute documentary featuring the New York skate scene.
In classic HBO form the doc. takes a very innovative approach to ways of film making!!!
They have been stepping out of their usual format of movies and shows and are doing some really amazing projects lately!
This video is a twenty minute documentary featuring the New York skate scene.
In classic HBO form the doc. takes a very innovative approach to ways of film making!!!
street slashin
This is a video of one of our surfin buddies from Seal. Fabian is all about shreddin the pier and or river on his 7' somethin" Revolver. It wasn't until recently on St. Pattys day when Andrew saw him do a drunken 30 yard handstand on his skateboard down the street and almost get hit by a car that we figured he knew his way around the skateboard as well. From my understanding this is from the video Skateboard Gang II circa 89'-90'. I've always thought him to be a phantom, if for some reason you check it at 9 or 10 at night and it looks really fun, chances are he's out there somewhere.
Does It Get Any Worse?
Please say it doesn't. I don't know how much more I can take. This is some of the worst shit ever.
Rip off, dog shit, surf exploiting, assholes. The Drums can eat shit and die. I'm starting to
understand what that dude from The Network was talking about.
snow post
My friends over at Transworld Snow put some Rail shots together from this falls new snow flick "In Color" gets my very syked on how snowboarding is going back to its roots of having fun with friends and being creative. for example look at Keagan's first trick he does, it's fucking mental!
Snowboarding has turned into double flip mctwisties and spinning to win! what happened to style and doing something different! I stopped doing contests for a reason, every run I would watch was the same. The winner is the idiot that takes a risk and chucks there meat harder!
Dont get me wrong it is pretty cool to watch the mainstream shit like we all did when Shaun White won the olympics this year but I for one have seen enough and have been over it for quite sometime...
If you wanna check some innovative and original snow shit hit up some of these blogs!
But in the meantime rap out to this eye candy and go buy a snowboard and surf the fucking mountains!!!
Snowboarding has turned into double flip mctwisties and spinning to win! what happened to style and doing something different! I stopped doing contests for a reason, every run I would watch was the same. The winner is the idiot that takes a risk and chucks there meat harder!
Dont get me wrong it is pretty cool to watch the mainstream shit like we all did when Shaun White won the olympics this year but I for one have seen enough and have been over it for quite sometime...
If you wanna check some innovative and original snow shit hit up some of these blogs!
But in the meantime rap out to this eye candy and go buy a snowboard and surf the fucking mountains!!!

Jonathan Shelton is a ripper from the LBC. Did surf team in high school with him. One of the funniest personalities I know. Similar to spicoli, but better. He recently beat my ass in the Seal Beach contest and is a constant threat in any heat. I was on facebook this morning and got an update of how he was doing: Jonathan joined the group MONSTERBOOTY ( )*( ). Jon is the man.
so you think you can bodysvrf, eh?
Try doing it with a big peice of yellow plastic leading the way. Enter the Grip Board. Made this little video for the inventor. He gave me a couple to try and get some footage for the video. One of the silliest items I have used. It's too heavy and the fins are pointless. The thing twisted my wrist a couple times while trying to hold on in the soup. Got bonked in the head too. Go get yourself a tray from any fast food restaurant. They work great. Every time I watch this it makes me laugh. Still got em if anyone wants to give it a whirl.
Low End Theory
Watt is gonna be man handling the thud staff tonight in lb. Come out it's one of the last Watt gigs before him and the Stooges leave for tour.
There should be organ, bass, and blue oyster cult covers out the ass!

always a good time,
fuck yeah dude,
mike watt,
small sesh
Shot for an hour the other morning...small and fun
more days to come!
more days to come!
Slip Sliding from Chad Huff on Vimeo.
I Never Travel Far, Without a Little Big Staaaaaarrr
Alex Chilton of the band Big Star died yesterday. I've been jamming them quite a bit over the past few weeks, I had no idea who they were or he was until I looked up the meaning behind one of my favorite Replacements songs. If your not familiar snag #1 Record, it's good.

Rob Machado is a Ritard
I can't believe this shit. Rob's new movie called Drifter looks like a steaming pile of shit and puke. Talk about selling out. He rips so hard. Why can't he just do that. Fuck Drifter. "One day I decided to paddle between two islands by myself..." Yeah right. My bullshit meter broke after watching this trailer.
High on Fire
Stephen has sent in another music review. Take a gander.
"I still can't send word files because my pirated copy is fucked so hopefully this is cool."
High on Fire
“Snakes for the Divine”
Out now on E1 music
Yeah this album is fucking great and no one can argue against it. What needs to be addressed here is the level of awesomeness front man Matt Pike has achieved.
Let’s run through the list: practically invented doom metal in Sleep, spent their entire major label recording budget on drugs, subsequently wrote the hour long stoner epic Jeruselem in one sitting on shrooms, started High on fire, put out 5 awesome thrash/sludge albums, never sold out, never slowed down… the list goes on.
Usually when metal dudes get to be dad age, every year after 30 adds an exponential amount of suck I.e. the balding/long hair combo, need to wear outdated attire of their glory days, becoming a fencing enthusiast (WTF Bruce Dickinson!). Pike is now 37 and better then ever. The solos are face melting, the low end is as heavy as tyrannosaurus cock, and the vocals are so demonically hoarse they would make Anton LaVey shit his pants. It all goes to show that Pike is a fucking shred mutant, impervious to the slow bleed of getting old, and invincible against 20 years of hardcore drug use (have you seen his tweaker teeth? Oh and the band is called High on Fire…not so subtle when you think about it huh?)
The only human who can top Matt Pike in doing all things awesome is Lemmy and for those who say he is just a Lemmy rip off/copycat fuck you, if you live in a world where being like Lemmy is a bad thing then I hope you die in some horrific “se7en” type shit.
If Lemmy is God then Matt Pike is Jesus Christ.
"I still can't send word files because my pirated copy is fucked so hopefully this is cool."
High on Fire
“Snakes for the Divine”
Out now on E1 music
Yeah this album is fucking great and no one can argue against it. What needs to be addressed here is the level of awesomeness front man Matt Pike has achieved.
Let’s run through the list: practically invented doom metal in Sleep, spent their entire major label recording budget on drugs, subsequently wrote the hour long stoner epic Jeruselem in one sitting on shrooms, started High on fire, put out 5 awesome thrash/sludge albums, never sold out, never slowed down… the list goes on.
Usually when metal dudes get to be dad age, every year after 30 adds an exponential amount of suck I.e. the balding/long hair combo, need to wear outdated attire of their glory days, becoming a fencing enthusiast (WTF Bruce Dickinson!). Pike is now 37 and better then ever. The solos are face melting, the low end is as heavy as tyrannosaurus cock, and the vocals are so demonically hoarse they would make Anton LaVey shit his pants. It all goes to show that Pike is a fucking shred mutant, impervious to the slow bleed of getting old, and invincible against 20 years of hardcore drug use (have you seen his tweaker teeth? Oh and the band is called High on Fire…not so subtle when you think about it huh?)
The only human who can top Matt Pike in doing all things awesome is Lemmy and for those who say he is just a Lemmy rip off/copycat fuck you, if you live in a world where being like Lemmy is a bad thing then I hope you die in some horrific “se7en” type shit.
If Lemmy is God then Matt Pike is Jesus Christ.


One of the best rock bands from the 90's and one of my personal favorites. They are doing a reunion tour as we speak. I want to see them really bad but I cannot bring myself to go to Coachella again. Too much bullshit. Matador also put out a "best of" called Quarantine The Past, in light of the reunion. If you don't know em, you should. Pitchfork.com is streaming every music video they ever made right now. Check it out. There are some good ones.
it's always SUNNY in hawaii
Made this for Versasurf. Sunny ripping Haleiwa and Sunset 2008. I paddled out at lowers with him one day. I was basically the only person on a longboard. Some old crazy dude inevitably gets pissed at me for trying to catch the same wave as him. He went off on me for a spell as I sat quietly. I wasn't trying to start anything. Out of no where Sunny comes paddling up and tears into the guy. The dude was shitting his wetsuit for sure. Sunny made him paddle over to me and appologize. Sometimes it pays to be associated with Hawaiians on parole.
Sunny Garcia from TJ Ridings on Vimeo.
How Kick Ass Is Poison Idea?
Jay is definitely a jack of many trades . . . just stumbled upon this little bit of seduction in his collection, a lot better than that south side clownage bull shit.
north orange county waves. from Jay Diebel on Vimeo.
derp face
our friend Jay Diebel through us a little video together from a show last week.
Bear Face from Jay Diebel on Vimeo.
Hang loose. . . your ultra droopy crew neck that is.
This Riley Blakeway dude's vimeo account has some pretty cool clips to watch when you're killing time waiting for your friends to pick you up.
YUCK! ANCHOVIES from Riley Blakeway on Vimeo.
Ugly Stick = Ugly Chick

If my theory that men with ugly surfboards also have ugly significant others is true, then this guy must be macking on a girl who's jeans have no back pockets. She most likely wears big skate shoes too. And an oversize hoodie. Crunchy hair...
Last October, in San Diego, Australian surfboard designer/shaper Daniel Thompson was awarded the2009 "Best of Show" for his unique Raptor surf design. "A truly modern adaptation of the fish design," said Thompson. Successfully combining (Steve) Lis style foils with performance shortboard refinement and a unique split diamond tail for low drag planing efficiency and a tighter turning radius at speed. Why surf when you can fly?"
I guess if it works then it does not matter. I wouldn't bet the farm on this one though. It's hard for me to utilize a board to it's full potential if I can't stand the sight of it. I get sick of my board's appearance after a while and they start to work like shit. Or at least thats the lie I tell myself.
what took me so LONG?

I have never been that interested in big wave surfing. Everytime there was a maverick's section in a film I would lose interest pretty quick. It was big, impressive, and overall a little boring. Watching dudes make drops on huge waves over and over just didn't do it for me. For the same reasons I did not like watching the vert sections of skate videos. I wanted to see guys ripping small waves or out street skating a local ledge. In a lot of ways I still feel the same way. Something has changed though. Maybe its maturity, but this recent run of huge swell and big wave contests has really sparked my interest. I think it has a lot to do with the new breed of big wave talent. Most neteable being Greg Long. He is young, driven, stylish, and a charger. It's nice to see a fresh face riding these monsters. Fuck Laird and all his homies. They are super heroes for sure, but I have had enough. They should just buy a boat and start water skiing full time. I feel like there has been some kind of disconect for me with big wave riding. Laird never seemed like "one of us." He wasn't really a surfer to me. Us normal guys could never afford to do what he does. It seems that dudes like Greg Long fit my surfing bubble better. The "normal" guys seem to be getting a chance to shine.
These photos are from the Eddie. I think thats the board and wave that won it for him.
Is it just me or are the Brothers Marshall annoying as shit. I honestly don't know much about them other than the fact that they are malibu locals. I used to see them in the old Burnt Toast videos. By the way, all of those longboard flicks that only show land footage of the Bu are sooo boring. I guess they rip it up at first point. I guess. I personally have not seen anything to write home about. Now they are all up in my face doing weird bullshit. Neon wetsuits and stupid art. This video is an excerpt from Longboard Habit. If you have never heard of them then this should sum it up. Random bullshit that isn't funny. It isn't anything really.
Mini Plan
Westboro Baptist Kid

Holy shit. I found this photo on facebook somewhere. The Westboro Baptist's came to Long Beach the other day. This poor little kid obviously doesn't know any better. The problem is that this kid and every other person with a sense of humor would have to agree that POOP is funny. This sign is ignorant. This sign also made me laugh really hard. It is so rediculous that we really have no other choice but to laugh. Laugh at the sign. Laugh at the Westboro Baptists. Don't take these fools so seriously. There is obviously no reason to. I am a little bummed in regards to that kid's psychological well being though.
whoever says this aint cool is Alaia
I dig the shit folks are doing on alaias. It's fresh and looks like good clean fun. It makes me feel similar to the way I felt when I realized stand-up bodyboarding existed. I posted a couple videos last week on the subject. Surfing on a finless device is very difficult and requires a lot of patience and practice. I found this old clip of Chris Taloa from Fistic Youth. It's lengthy but worth it. I miss bodyboard videos from the 90's man. Just straight up ripping and fucking around throughout. Also, get ready for the middle school grudge match at the end complete with obnoxious teenagers, head butts, and concerned adults.
chris taloa,
fistic youth,
stand up bodyboarding
the replacements
The 'Mats just might be the greatest band ever. They got booted from SNL after this I don't know if it was for acting inappropriately back stage or the gitup that Bobby Stinson chose to wear.
GOD | MySpace Video
GOD | MySpace Video

Bottom Turns: just say k"NO"st

Say what you will about the guy (as I often do), but A. Knost is a killer in the water. Just try to deny this bottom turn. I dare you. If you longboarded in the late 90's early 00's you either emulated Joel or Bonga. Knost went somewhere else. He was hangin heels off the tail of his board with the agility of a mongoose. He has really honed his style and continues to progress. I often catch myself with my jaw dropped and an aching sense of jealousy.
Andy Sandberg's Girlfriend is a Stone Fox
So the guy who did "Dick In a Box," is boning a very talented harp player. Her name is Joanna Newsom. She writes beautiful, drawn out, medieval/folk type shit. She has a very unique voice reminiscent of Bjork or Joni Mitchell. I hear some Lisa Simpson in there too. She is also a major babe. She already has 2 albums out and just released a new one called Have One On Me. I have been listenning for about two weeks now and it is the bomb. This music is challenging at first because the songs are quite long. But after a while the intricate melodies start to pop. If this explanation sounds like shit to you, well, give this song a quick listen. It may suprise you. Also, there is a slideshow displaying her hotness. Enjoy responsibly.
I Am A Mother Fucker
I figure by now everyone has seen the AC Transit bus fight video, well here's a little Tom Bruso doc some cats put together, pretty fuckin wild stuff.
Surf Rock Sucks!!!
Remember when Swing music got cool again in the 90's? Cherry Poppin Daddys were on the radio all day and your sister was taking swing dancing lessons. It was fun for a little while and then you never wanted to hear that shit again.
I fear we as a surf community have adopted a trend very similar into our music scene. It started with the acoustic, Jack Johnson, type of sound. Which was not bad at first. Then everyone with a surfboard and a acoustic guitar started to churn out doodoo music. In a retaliation against this we decided to go the opposite direction and start straight up copying 1960's garage rock. And of course, it sounds like shit. Don't get me wrong, its catchy music. There is a reason it is a trend. it is mildly appealing until you hear it a few more times. The Velvet Underground did it back in the day and it sounded great. It was new and challenging music. This new surf related garage pop is bullshit.
There has got to be some surfers out there that can make something we can be proud of. Maybe not. I honestly have not seen anything of that much importance come out of the surf music scene since Dick Dale. Now that was some badass surf rock.
If you don't believe me then watch this music video. If this does not prove my point then nothing will. Surfing is great, but it's music is a kook.
History lesson
Next time you see that guy or gal (worm) trimming with his or her arm behind them in the lip, please refrain from making an ALEX KNOST call. We all dig his style, but we're not trying to be him. Thanks.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery?
What cosmic timing you have Masa Tom has with your post on "surf art". Lightner, when he was posting with us on Svrf andDestroy brought this up before too and seriously bummed out a ton of people (totally awesome) and now once again, I must supplement.
++So two days ago I'm walking by the flyers table near the entry way of Kanvas by Katin and spot this. . .

Ohh cool some Ando and Friends flyers is what I immediately thought.++
NOPE!. Just another fucking Andy Davis rip off named John Culqui. I read his bio and can assure you this John Culqui is not Andy's conjoined twin, but IS a total Durp. And I must say, this is a gnarrrrly rip off. The little byrd shaped thingys behind the guy perched on the nose? Get the fuck outta here man.

I don't know Andy Davis or anything, but I guess this type of shit bothers me because I was such a fan of his FREE brand 10 years ago. Check out this shirt I still have from when I was 14. . .
and now some kook, who is just one on a long list of ripper offers, is going to cash in selling rip off "art" at a yuppie gallery in South Coast plaza.
In closing, that old saying "imitation is the highest form of flattery" is to me a bunch of bullshit. Imitation breeds indifference and indifference is not at all flattering to the originator.
Humans fucking suck sometimes.
++So two days ago I'm walking by the flyers table near the entry way of Kanvas by Katin and spot this. . .
Ohh cool some Ando and Friends flyers is what I immediately thought.++
NOPE!. Just another fucking Andy Davis rip off named John Culqui. I read his bio and can assure you this John Culqui is not Andy's conjoined twin, but IS a total Durp. And I must say, this is a gnarrrrly rip off. The little byrd shaped thingys behind the guy perched on the nose? Get the fuck outta here man.
I don't know Andy Davis or anything, but I guess this type of shit bothers me because I was such a fan of his FREE brand 10 years ago. Check out this shirt I still have from when I was 14. . .
and now some kook, who is just one on a long list of ripper offers, is going to cash in selling rip off "art" at a yuppie gallery in South Coast plaza.
In closing, that old saying "imitation is the highest form of flattery" is to me a bunch of bullshit. Imitation breeds indifference and indifference is not at all flattering to the originator.
Humans fucking suck sometimes.
Don't Quit Your Day Job

WARNING: This post may ruffle some feathers. that being said, i would like to discuss Surf Art. Basically, i don't believe in it. There is a lot of bullshit out there and it makes me sad. In reality creating surf related art that is actually "good" is very difficult. Rick Griffen did it. And thats about it. The early work of artists like Andy Davis and Thomas Campbell is worth mention also. Now it seems like everyone is just re-creating what they have already done. But not as good.
The other problem with surf art involves talented surfers. Alex Knost is a great example. Don't get me wrong, the dude rips! No doubt about it. One of the most original wave riders of our time for sure. But his art, well, not so much. Looks like a variation on what Thomas Campbell and Ed Templeton have already created. Another example is Joe Aaron. Once again, this kid rips! A nice kid with a nice family. Gives Joel a run for his money. His art work on the other hand is basically a rip off of early Rick Griffin work. In the background he often paints distorted shapes just like Mark Rothko.
I don't hate these dudes at all. I just hate their art. We are in need of some originality ASAP.
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