A brutal moment from a brutal cartoon!!!!!!!!!
stupid fucking hippy's
If you've been anywhere in the south bay/Venice beach area you have probably noticed those obnoxious little trees hanging from telephone lines. Sometimes there cardboard, other times there water bottles with the little fucking tree stickers on them, sometimes there constructed out of steel. The people behind this litter campaign are Hippy Tree clothing company. For a company that is trying to cash in on the whole Green, Environmentally friendly, socially conscious, whatever the damn gimick that just about every company is now doing and in my opinion is also doing an effective job of trivializing the whole matter, hippy tree has succeeded in making complete hypocrite hippy ass'es of themselves. I'm no Einstein but isn't that thin piece of twine holding the stupid fucking trees up on the power lines subject to the same consequences of weather as anything else? Or does it have magic hippy powers? In other words won't that shit eventually fall down and become just another piece of trash in the street to get kicked in the gutter and flow to our beaches? Somebody please correct me if i got it tweaked somehow, but until then, fuck you hippy tree. fuck you, fuck your super original artistic guerilla marketing campaign, and fuck your smug artistic photos of your litter that i could do in 30 seconds in photoshop.

Who's bitter?

Who's bitter?
Whoa Bro
Awile back in college in one of my Spanish classes I remember learning about Francisco de Goya. There are some posters laying around at work that made me think of this. Awesome, huh?
Check out how mental this shit is. Saturno Devorando a su Hjio, 1819 That is, "Saturn Devouring His Son," for my non Spanish speaking bros.

*This post is NSR, Not surf related at all. You want to know why? Because I have not surfed in a freaking week, man! Things will be better tomorrow, weekend shreds. Damn, I hate weekend shreds, 'cause that's when everyone else shreds! Damned again!
Check out how mental this shit is. Saturno Devorando a su Hjio, 1819 That is, "Saturn Devouring His Son," for my non Spanish speaking bros.

*This post is NSR, Not surf related at all. You want to know why? Because I have not surfed in a freaking week, man! Things will be better tomorrow, weekend shreds. Damn, I hate weekend shreds, 'cause that's when everyone else shreds! Damned again!
Sorry I Missed Your Party
I stumbled across this blog the other day and I must say it is pretty entertaining. It is an ongoing collection of goofy photos taken from other peoples party's. Here it is : Sorry I Missed Your Party
While you are at it listen to this: http://boomp3.com/listen/duq8bwt/05-special-guest
While you are at it listen to this: http://boomp3.com/listen/duq8bwt/05-special-guest
El Shito
P-cakes and I used to live where that white explorer is in this photo. 90% of the time this place sucked donkey balls. The other 10% of the time it was really fun. The only reason we ever scored there is because we lived there. El shito is hell. Parking sucks, the wave usually sucks, the barneys suck...it's just super sucky. I had many parking tickets, usually drove around for 20 minutes before finding a spot my truck could fit into, and my car was towed once. $330. :(
Nah, it was alright, I actually liked the place a lot. I was within walking distance of Sharkeez and all of my best friends. ;)
Actually, the gas station across the street, which we referred to as the 'Ass Station,' was usually filled with hot Manhattan Beach chicks filling up their Audi's on the way to work every morning as we were getting ready to shred. That place was like a babe magnet for the south bay.
Shit, I can't even figure out where I am using sarcasm in this post. FTW.

Photo: McShots
Nah, it was alright, I actually liked the place a lot. I was within walking distance of Sharkeez and all of my best friends. ;)
Actually, the gas station across the street, which we referred to as the 'Ass Station,' was usually filled with hot Manhattan Beach chicks filling up their Audi's on the way to work every morning as we were getting ready to shred. That place was like a babe magnet for the south bay.
Shit, I can't even figure out where I am using sarcasm in this post. FTW.

Photo: McShots
Poetry Reading 6:00pm Thursday
I am reading some of my poems this Thursday at 6pm at the Seal Beach Daily Grind...This is my first one so don't expect anything fantastic... i think i am gonna get drunk and rant for awhile...:)
Holed up in Santa GNARbra
Not much surf to speak of at all up here in dreary SB. A couple missions to Ventura have found some modestly pleasing slide sesh's. Up-note, only like 3 more weeks of school plus a few summer courses and my academic career will be over. For EVER. To kick start this year off at school in early October I got a lower lip tattoo with a few other assholes that i was drinking with. They all got sports teams. I even payed for my friend Daley to get "sharks" as in the san jose hockey team, because I've never seen someone show such genuine and heart felt devotion to a group of sweaty men. When they win, you'd swear he popped an ex pill, when they lose he drinks like a factory worker during the great depression. Since I can't remember the last time i even played a sport I opted to get "SHAKA" inked on me forever (not really since it's pretty much faded to say H triangle A) Anyways, if you've read this far into my rant (silly you) you might be curious as to how I might go about capping this year at a creatively depressing, uninspiring university. Well, I've completely made up my mind that I'm torching the grass shack at campus point. Why you may ask? Cause FUCK that place, thats why.
37 Tricks with Jeff Markman
This is Jeff Markman. I met Jeff my senior year when we had English together along with a mutual friend named Drew, and in probably no less than one class with each other became friends and then proceeded through the actions of our collective trio to annoy the total shit out of every other kid in that class as well as trying no matter how shamefully to flirt with the lone babe of the classroom Tanya.(Yep we were those kids) Anyways, Jeff was always a seriously funny dude whether crackin' jokes or tellin' stories about his pet cat Gary, who may like smoking more than he does… Ohh and he shreds too!
37 Tricks
37 Tricks
Bottled Up Part Deux
All the way back in the early days of this blog, I posted up an article about plastic bottles and the Sigg that I bought...Bottled Up Part 1
A new series on VBS.tv made me want to revisit this issue. The series is called Garbage Island, it has 12 parts and it is about the North Pacific Gyre which is a swirling whirlpool of trash (mostly plastics) that will never fully biodegrade. I first remember hearing about Trash Island in my Marine Biology class in high school, thanks Mr. Duff!
The series is very well put together and informative on the issue at hand.
Anyways, I still have that Sigg water bottle, I use it every day and it has ended my 1 or 2 plastic water bottle per day habit that I had going. So, lets delve into the numbers.
I bought that Sigg last August, about 8 months ago, and I have avoided using 1 or 2 bottles a day. So roughly, 8 months x 30 days x 1.5 bottles = 360 bottles. Yes, I would have recycled them but that still does not negate the fact that the bottles were made out of virgin petroleum, which is a whole other issue.
It is also worth mentioning that I now use reusable hemp grocery bags and a recycled PET lunch bag from Reusuable Bags.
Here is part one of the VBS series, Garbage Island. It's mental.
A new series on VBS.tv made me want to revisit this issue. The series is called Garbage Island, it has 12 parts and it is about the North Pacific Gyre which is a swirling whirlpool of trash (mostly plastics) that will never fully biodegrade. I first remember hearing about Trash Island in my Marine Biology class in high school, thanks Mr. Duff!
The series is very well put together and informative on the issue at hand.
Anyways, I still have that Sigg water bottle, I use it every day and it has ended my 1 or 2 plastic water bottle per day habit that I had going. So, lets delve into the numbers.
I bought that Sigg last August, about 8 months ago, and I have avoided using 1 or 2 bottles a day. So roughly, 8 months x 30 days x 1.5 bottles = 360 bottles. Yes, I would have recycled them but that still does not negate the fact that the bottles were made out of virgin petroleum, which is a whole other issue.
It is also worth mentioning that I now use reusable hemp grocery bags and a recycled PET lunch bag from Reusuable Bags.
Here is part one of the VBS series, Garbage Island. It's mental.
Scummer 08
All the assholes are out in full effect. Beware.

T-Bird convertible with a pop-out bungee corded to the top.

Her license plate says "Love to be Sassy" in license plate speak. Blond and awful, welcome to California.

Bro-dozer. These bro-sephs were blasting Daft Punk, had huge motocross decals covering their rig, and were douche-bags.
All of these pictures were taken over the weekend in extremely close proximity to the Huntington Beach Pier

T-Bird convertible with a pop-out bungee corded to the top.

Her license plate says "Love to be Sassy" in license plate speak. Blond and awful, welcome to California.
Bro-dozer. These bro-sephs were blasting Daft Punk, had huge motocross decals covering their rig, and were douche-bags.
All of these pictures were taken over the weekend in extremely close proximity to the Huntington Beach Pier
Pro Tec Pool Party 2008
So, we went to the 2008 Pro Tec Pool Party yesterday. MENTAL!
The list of people we saw was endless: Steve Caballero, Lance Mountain, Jeff Grosso, Duane Peters, Steve Steadham, Christian Hosoi, etc. The list goes on.
The only way that I could describe how hard these guys skate this pool is that it's fucked up. Transfers, 540 McTwists, 18' lipslides, Smithgrinds around corners, a broken wrist, dislocated shoulders, 6' indy grabs, etc.
The best was when an 11 year old girl collided with another chick in the bowl and was basically knocked out, to which Dave Duncan commented over the microphone, "That's what happens when you skate with the big girls." FUCKED UP!
It was rad. Some video will be posted up soon.
The list of people we saw was endless: Steve Caballero, Lance Mountain, Jeff Grosso, Duane Peters, Steve Steadham, Christian Hosoi, etc. The list goes on.
The only way that I could describe how hard these guys skate this pool is that it's fucked up. Transfers, 540 McTwists, 18' lipslides, Smithgrinds around corners, a broken wrist, dislocated shoulders, 6' indy grabs, etc.
The best was when an 11 year old girl collided with another chick in the bowl and was basically knocked out, to which Dave Duncan commented over the microphone, "That's what happens when you skate with the big girls." FUCKED UP!
It was rad. Some video will be posted up soon.
vol. 1 harbour noserider
A few days ago I posted vol. 2 of TJ Ridings and Cyrus sutton on the new harbour noserider. Here's vol 1 featuring cyrus solo. Around the 53' mark, it starts to get silly steezy. Enjoy
Pro-Tec Pool Party
Cool Beastie Boys Photo
Words of Wisdom from Aussie WCT'er Kai Otten

Contraception? Do you ask?
I’m all about that. It’s pretty fucken wild out there. I’m always connied up. Even when I’m liquored. It can be fucked, though: you’re all geed up, then you stop, say, hey, I’m going to get this thing, …it’s rank in that regard. Afterwards, it’s an amazing feeling, particularly if you were parro the night before and yet you still tarped up. It speaks volumes for your character.
Taken from Stab Magazine.
Masa Tom (T.J. Ridings) & Cyrus the Virus (so sick he's got a virus)
One of my best buddies from the golden years of youth, TJ, just posted this video of himself and fellow harbour team rider Cyrus Sutton testing the new Harbour Noserider. Needless to say from watching this demo, it works...really well. I was back at home in good old North Orange County recently and was kinda shocked at how hard the jerky, mega hand jive thing has gotten a hold over the younger loggin kids. Nothing wrong with that trip at all, it's tits, very enjoyable to watch but It's nice to see shredders keepin it smooth, making it look easy, and pulling off way lengthier noserides.
Get in the Van
Fellow fiends, Scotty and Turkey Stopnik of Cycle Zombies, are featured in the Captain Fin Co. film, Get In The Van/Tales from the Black Van, or whatever you want to call it.
The showing is May 30th @ 7:30pm in Costa Mesa, check the flyer fool.

Flyer found at Bang Bang Club
The showing is May 30th @ 7:30pm in Costa Mesa, check the flyer fool.

Flyer found at Bang Bang Club
Rollins in Top Form
I am reading Broken Summers by Henry Rollins right now. I just wanted to share a little excerpt to see what fuels his fire...
"Whenever I see a Hummer on the street now, it just makes me mad. There's always some asshole driving it. He's on the phone and he doesn't give a fuck what you think. Why drive one? To show everyone you can. There's no practical need for one of these things, it's just a resource destroying bravado."
Amen brother.
"Whenever I see a Hummer on the street now, it just makes me mad. There's always some asshole driving it. He's on the phone and he doesn't give a fuck what you think. Why drive one? To show everyone you can. There's no practical need for one of these things, it's just a resource destroying bravado."
Amen brother.
Destroyed by Skate
I went with Tightner from Radballs to skate the Combi bowl at Vans today. Very mental. Shameful as well.
First off, I was not aware that Wednesday's are fucking pro nights. So, Omar Hassan, Josh Borden, Bennett Harada, Christian Hosoi, and a gang load of other shredders were in attendance. Shameful, I know.
Anyways, I padded up and took a warm up sesh on the 6' mini ramp, just to get the blood flowing. Did that for awhile, buttery coping, very nice.
Ok, back to business. I go back to the bowl and most of those dudes are still there and before I know it, Tightner goes for it. Effortlessly flowing in and out of the corners doing slashes on some very unforgiving pool coping. He gives me some pointers and before I know it, I am dropping in, trying not to totally kook it.
Holy shit. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. I worked myself into the rotation taking turns with some mental dudes. All of the guys were really rad, some kiwi dude from New Zealand was giving me some pointers on how to improve my bowl shredding ability. Much thanks.
I have only really skated a 5' mini ramp before, so a 11'6" deep pool was quite an adjustment, Tightner said it was definitely a very difficult bowl to skate, hopefully I will be making my way to some more user-friendly bowls and pools in the area in the upcoming weeks. So fun.
Anyways, here is a picture and some video of the beast, last year's Pro Tec Pool Party video...

First off, I was not aware that Wednesday's are fucking pro nights. So, Omar Hassan, Josh Borden, Bennett Harada, Christian Hosoi, and a gang load of other shredders were in attendance. Shameful, I know.
Anyways, I padded up and took a warm up sesh on the 6' mini ramp, just to get the blood flowing. Did that for awhile, buttery coping, very nice.
Ok, back to business. I go back to the bowl and most of those dudes are still there and before I know it, Tightner goes for it. Effortlessly flowing in and out of the corners doing slashes on some very unforgiving pool coping. He gives me some pointers and before I know it, I am dropping in, trying not to totally kook it.
Holy shit. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. I worked myself into the rotation taking turns with some mental dudes. All of the guys were really rad, some kiwi dude from New Zealand was giving me some pointers on how to improve my bowl shredding ability. Much thanks.
I have only really skated a 5' mini ramp before, so a 11'6" deep pool was quite an adjustment, Tightner said it was definitely a very difficult bowl to skate, hopefully I will be making my way to some more user-friendly bowls and pools in the area in the upcoming weeks. So fun.
Anyways, here is a picture and some video of the beast, last year's Pro Tec Pool Party video...

Blogs of Interest,
1st Annual Souplantation Eat-Off
Danimal, Douchemcgregor, and Travis ate until there was only one man standing.
The food:
1 Large plate of salad
2 plates of macaroni and cheese
2 pieces of cornbread
1 blueberry muffin
5 pizza sticks
1 bowl of chili
1 bowl of clam chowder
1 bowl of chicken noodle soup
1 plate of pasta
1 large bowl of strawberry apple cobbler with ice cream
Everyone ate the food on this list.
Douchemcgregor and Travis barfed.
Danimal added a soft taco from Taco Bell to seal his victory.
No prizes, just bragging rights.
Please don't tell me about kids are starving all over the world and food riots are occuring. As my good friend Pat would say, "Get it to 'em."
Play this to ease your consciece. Free Rice
The food:
1 Large plate of salad
2 plates of macaroni and cheese
2 pieces of cornbread
1 blueberry muffin
5 pizza sticks
1 bowl of chili
1 bowl of clam chowder
1 bowl of chicken noodle soup
1 plate of pasta
1 large bowl of strawberry apple cobbler with ice cream
Everyone ate the food on this list.
Douchemcgregor and Travis barfed.
Danimal added a soft taco from Taco Bell to seal his victory.
No prizes, just bragging rights.
Please don't tell me about kids are starving all over the world and food riots are occuring. As my good friend Pat would say, "Get it to 'em."
Play this to ease your consciece. Free Rice
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